14 November 2005

Geek weekend

But first... a NaNo update...

NaNoWriMo is going quite well this year. I'm happy. As of this morning, I have just over 22,200 words. I didn't write yesterday due to a fubsy brain, but I'm still on pace to finish on time. I'm going to strive for two days of 2,000 words (my daily minimum wordcount... not the 1,666.6666 whatever that it actually divides out to), and try to get five days of 2,500 words.

Wednesday is a definite 2,000 word day because it's World's Largest Dungeon night. The entire evening will essentially be taken over by gaming. I'll have to do some scribbling throughout the day in little 200 word bursts, I suppose.

But yeah. This thing has absolutely no plot. And the busty lesbian pirate ninjas will make an appearance just for the hell of it sometime this week to shake things up. This year's "novel?" Heh... plot? We don't need no stinkin' plots...


The weekend was busy but generally a good time. We spent almost all of Saturday up at Battleground for their 3rd anniversary celebration. We sampled several games throughout the day, including Warhammer Fantasy and D&D Mini's. The minis were the huge hit of the day, and almost everyone bought several packs. I was honestly surprised how addictive it was. Plus, we can always use the minis for our D&D games. During battles, we do use charts. Erich invested big money into getting gridded porcelain dry-erase boards for it.

I did tuck myself into a back corner of the gaming store for an hour to do some NaNo'ing. I managed to crank out 2,000 words in just over an hour. I then told Derek the floor of the shop has good writing chi. :)

The other thing that I did for the first time was paint a mini at the shop. I've always been intimidated by the detail on the metal minis we generally use for gaming, and didn't want to invest in the paints. But I can see the appeal. It was quite relaxing. If I weren't so invested in stitching, I could see myself getting paints and setting up shop in our basement, where we have a huge rec room table that the previous owner left us for random project work. My mini is a bit awkward, of course, but there's that sentimental "first time" thing about it, so I'll use it with pride.

Erich bought a new computer on Saturday after his desktop's processor decided to kill itself on Friday night. It had been at least three years since he'd upgraded the thing, and by the time he started pulling some upgrade numbers in his head, he realized he'd probably be better off just getting a new one-- and one that's under a store warranty. So far, he really likes his new one.

My desktop is now sitting quietly on a shelf at CompUSA in Warwick, waiting for the correct motherboard so it can be replaced... again. I'm hoping to have my computer back for the LAN party after Thanksgiving. I miss my 'puter.

On Sunday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and caught up on some yardwork. Erich finished barrelling the undergrowth that we'd cut from all of the bushes a couple months ago (it's been going out gradually). I raked and bagged leaves, now that they've finally started to fall. Part of me really wanted to just rake the entire yard into one huge pile and jump in it. But we were on a bit of a time crunch for the Patriots game, so instead I just raked and bagged. We still have three-fourths of the side yard to rake, so I'll get that leaf pile together for next weekend.

I've never jumped in a leaf pile. My dad's backyard is full of various evergreen trees (ponderosa pine and blue spruce-- not exactly jumping material). The only leafing trees were cottonwoods, which were also not good jumping piles because there was always sticky sap from the cotton pods within the leaves that stuck to everything.

Our yard now is almost all maple trees. And there's a ton of them. I'm pretty sure I could gather a fat chick sized pile. :)

But now I'm off to work. My boss is out through Thanksgiving, and Bigger Boss will only be here tomorrow and Wednesday, so I'm taking advantage of what I hope will be relative quiet to catch up and clean out.

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