17 November 2005

Burning out a bit

I didn't write anything for NaNo yesterday due to our World's Largest Dungeon game (that lasted until nearly 1 a.m.-- eep!) Tonight, I'm not finding much inspiration, either. It's a bit frustrating, but I'd rather not force myself to try to come up with something and constantly stare at my wordcount.

I'm currently at 25,000 words. So I'm about a day off pace now-- for the first time in a month. Given that Erich is having a D&D game with a couple of the guys on Saturday -- one that I'm not involved in -- I'll have the entire afternoon to putter around up here in my office.

And we don't have tickets for Harry Potter tomorrow night, which means we'll probably be unable to see it until sometime next week due to the opening weekend insanity. So I have tomorrow night, too.

Part of the problem is that I have all of these little checklists of shit to get done. Not all of it is big stuff, but there are so many little things that I can't justify sitting down and writing. My brain won't shut up. Now that Thanksgiving and the LAN party is coming up, I'm prioritizing. Then Mom's up on the 30th for a long weekend.

So I need to work the "need to do" vs. the "want to do" stuff carefully.

Holiday madness-- gotta love it.

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