04 October 2005

Where the hell has this year gone?

My brain suddenly realized that it's October. It's been such a wild year-- one of the few that I honestly can say has been so busy that I just completely have lost track of time. And while it's been stressful, the stress has been so incredibly worth it. Besides little stupid things in life that mean nothing in the long term and are little vents of momentary frustration, everything's going well. Really well.

Erich and I are still recovering from this weekend. I'm somewhat zombified today, staring off into space when I really shouldn't be. BUT... I've been getting some of the soundest sleep the last two nights that I can recall in a couple years. Hopefully I'll start feeling normal again tomorrow after another good night. If not, I'll get through this week and just sleep as much as needed this weekend.

The kittens are doing well. They've definitely grown since we found them, and their development has exploded. We're now at the climb up over everything phase- they love their cat tower, and spend most of the time jumping in and out of the holes and crawling all over it in ways that seem to defy gravity. Noby has also started to do some distance leaps from the cat tower to box tops, and I imagine Elly will soon follow. We've started letting them explore the rest of the house in the evenings while we're awake and home. Both have ventured out into the living room a bit, but most of the time, they're still comfortable spending time in the sunroom. The other cats have wandered in to check them out. We've had some hissing (to be expected) and a bit of batting, but otherwise it's been very peaceful so far.

Mom called me last night. I forgot my camera at her house on Sunday. So photos from the wedding will have to wait until she gets around to sending the camera up to me. (oops). I always seem to leave something at my mom's. It's a running joke with us, as is the fact that I'm almost always sick as hell when I wind up visiting her. She thinks it's because I'm overdue for some mommy love. :)

Erich and I have decided that King Richard's Faire will be a no-go this year. We'd love to go, but at the same time, we know that we really can't afford it this year. If we were to go, we'd be restricting ourselves to just the entrance fee and food. And really... we want to buy stuff while we're there. But we can't afford it, so better to hold off that $100 for entrance and food for the two of us and wait until next year. In the meantime, we'll move that $100 toward doing other autumn things-- like our annual trek to Concord to get sinfully yummy cheeses and chocolates, plus farmstand pies and cider. And we hope to hit a corn maze this year, which we've wanted to do for a couple years, but just haven't had time to do.

I have to admit-- looking at those photos from last year, I wonder when we'll go. The autumn color is nowhere near the color it was at this time last year. Unless it assplodes in the next few days - which it could very well do - it's going to still be fairly green by next weekend. But we don't have any travels planned until Thanksgiving, so we do have plenty of time.

Gotta run... grab lunch.

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