24 October 2005

Missed it, but it had to be done

This past weekend was JournalCon, and despite initially being on the committee (and hosting the webpage), I was unable to go for a variety of financial reasons. This weekend, those reasons became even deeper, and I'm honestly glad I was unable to go-- I would have been washing dishes at the hotel to pay my room fees.


In any case, I'm a bit bummed I couldn't attend. I'll live vicariously through the recap postings, and hope that maybe next year, I'll manage to get there.


In any case, I hope that those who went had a blast, and that the rest of the planning committee saw the fruits of their labors in throwing this big bash. And hopefully a great bunch of bloggers and diarists were introduced to the ongoing JournalCon group at large. :)


On the homefront, it was a fairly uneventful weekend. Erich played D&D all Saturday, and I went to pick up the cheese that we were unable to purchase the previous Sunday. The mustard-seed gouda and I have a date tonight after work. :) Other than running the dishwasher through a couple loads of pots and dishes (now more prevalent due to cat food requirements), my Saturday was low key-- exactly what I needed.

It rained a good portion of Saturday, but cleared up for Sunday. We took advantage of the dryer skies to clean out both of our cars. We still had things from our trip down to New Jersey at the beginning of October in the Jeep. Now both are completely cleaned out. Vaccuuming will take place sometime next spring, after the winter's grime has ended.

The cats are all fine. Noby and Elly are insistent on nursing on whatever is available at the moment before going to bed. Apparently we're in that toddler thumb-sucking phase. When up on the bed, one's usually on Erich's stomach or my fleece robe (which Gus also wants to bite and knead).

We have very strange cats.

And I wish I could post photos, but my mom STILL has my digital camera.


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