28 September 2005

It's that time of year again...

NaNoWriMo signups open this Saturday. Are you ready?

And no, I have no idea yet what I'm writing about. What else is new? Why on earth would I actually want to prepare for NaNo beforehand? I want to live every moment in sheer agony as the words simply refuse to flow through my fingers. Aaaarrrrgggg! In a sick way, I sort of enjoy the pain, honestly. I do my better writing under pressure when I know that a deadline is looming. Perhaps it's the journalism major in me.

But honestly it won't be that bad. I do have a few very small ideas floating around. Come Oct. 1st, I'll start elaborating on them. But I do try to stick to the concept of NaNo-- all of it in the month of November.

There's a few changes in my participation role, too. Since I've moved out of Massachusetts, I can't really be the Municipal Liason for Massachusetts: Elsewhere anymore. With the craziness so far this year, I wasn't quite sure I wanted to jump into ML'ing in Rhode Island quite yet, either. By the end of November, I expect to be well on the marriage planning route. I'm so sick of being asked when the date is. So it really wouldn't be a good idea to be trying to juggle all of that, PLUS work, plus the commute, and (now) plus two feisty kittens.

I still wanted to participate on a larger scale, though, so I contacted Erin to see if there would be another area that I could help out with. Erin has the incredibly insane job that I have termed "Municipal Liason Cat Herder." I specifically mentioned possibly stepping in as a full-time forum moderator, since there was a mid-month plea last year for people who could help moderate forums. She really liked the idea.

Then on Monday, she contacted me again and mentioned she'd passed my name onto the leader of a new subsection of NaNoWriMo called the Young Authors Program for kids aged 12 and under, in case they possibly needed help. The project leader contacted me today to ask for help with the kid forums, which I excitedly accepted.

I'm looking forward to this year's NaNoWriMo. A lot. I'll write. I'll be able to volunteer in a way that helps them out, but also is practical for me. All will be good.

So who's joining me in the insanity? :)

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