08 September 2005

It's autumn, therefore I enjoy weekends again

Due to a late night last night, I really struggled to get up this morning. I've had coffee. It hasn't helped. Gah. And since we had to drive into Boston today, it was a very long commute. A few cars decided to destroy Providence traffic. Quite impressive what a couple cars can do on I-95. Cripes.

Anyway, didn't do all that much last night. I watched Mythbusters and was highly amused at the tests to see the fastest way to chill a six pack of beer. Apparently a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is the best method, followed by salt poured into ice water (both were at or under 5 minutes). I think I'll choose the latter. Cheaper. Less spray in the air.

Speaking of six-packs, Rhode Island grocery stores are retarded in one distinct area. They no longer sell normal six-packs of soda on the shelf. They have those midget 8-oz cans, but no normal ones. Only 12-packs. BUT... at least they don't have the annoying 5 cent additional surcharge bottle deposit like Massachusetts does. I saw the store brand soda in normal 6-packs, however. The store brand ones were also the only ones to be in older style 12-pack boxes (aka not "fridge pack"). It's funny how only in a couple years, the older boxes look weird to me. Whomever designed the fridge pack is a god of engineering, I must say.


For a brief moment last night, I almost considered scrapping my Saturday plans and headng over to Middleboro, Mass. for the annual Southeast Mass. Pagan Pride Day festival. I'm yearning for a good drum circle, after my bad experience at Arisia in January. But I know that it's really not a good idea. This weekend is our only one through the beginning of October that has no plans involved in it. We have two full-weekend trips coming up in the next three weeks. I really want to get some of my to-do list done around the house and hopefully have some time to just chill out, too.

A big part of my concern is getting the plants on my back walkway into the ground before it gets too much colder in the evenings. I want them to have some time to get settled. Mom suggested just bringing them into our sunroom for the winter, which would be a great idea if there weren't cats who need to chew on everything. So sometime in the next couple weeks, I need to get some new topsoil, a couple bags of mulch to help protect them over the winter, and get out the trowel. It's not a lot of plants- one hyrangea, one lemon basil, four asiatic lilies, and a mess of day lilies (which will be planted in clumps, anyway).

And of course, we have boxes. The ever-present supply of boxes. I'm convinced they have procreated in the two months they've been sitting in the house. I didn't pack this many. Honest.

But we are going to roll into our weekend with some fun first. Tonight's the NFL opening game, Pats. vs. Raiders. We'll be testing the wide-screen TV that Erich bought just before we moved. :) During the game I'll finish up my final stitches on Egyptian Sampler for this round before going on to my next piece for the weekend. Tomorrow night we're going to the drive-in to catch Red Eye and Four Brothers.

It should be a good time. :)

Anyway, off to work. I need more coffee.

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