05 November 2008

Participation on Fark

Conservatives are already whinging, using the retort "well, we listened to you for eight years."

Here's my reply to them, under my "elemenopy" username there:

Here's the irony - the stuff we complained about? We were right about, for the most part. We went into Iraq under false pretenses. We failed to get bin Laden. The "No Child Left Behind" act was not funded, and schools are ridding themselves of music, sports, and other activities that help develop children's minds beyond teaching to a test.

You did not listen to our concerns. Our concerns were brushed off and we were called terrorists, traitors, and anti-American. Since you refused to work with us, we worked together - community organizing, if you will - to change the direction of this country.

Now, we'll welcome you to work with us and find compromises. You'll find that despite some hard feelings, many of us want to work together. And if you don't feel you can work with us to improve our great nation, you're welcome to wait it out, do your own community organizing, and vote another candidate into office.

And we, unlike you, won't mock you or your candidate for doing so.

Your call.

Thread: http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=3997520


Anonymous said...

"And we, unlike you, won't mock you or your candidate for doing so."

This comment more than anyother in your blog ticked me off the most. I could write a whole list of things you are wrong about but this one is so way out there it is very sad.

Ever since President Bush was elected in 2000 all the left has done is bash him for just about anything they could, everything from his speech to his daughter's behavoir in college. About the only time they gave him any slack what so ever was during the whole 9/11 crisis. Some even didn't then, saying he acted to calm when told what had happened. Less anyone forget he was in a room with gradeschool children at the time.

Senator McCain was made fun of by people who didn't know his story and someone even commented "I could never vote for someone who can't even raise his hands over his head."

And omg let is not forget what the entire left did to Sarah Palin. I bet her children and husband just wanted to crawl in a hole and pull the earth over them.

Unlike most conservatives I will give our new president the benefit of the doubt at first. I have never in my life voted for a Democrate and probably never will but he is the President and deserves my respect even if I don't agree with him. Wish the same could have been said the past 8 years by many people on the other side of the aisle.

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Measi said...

For the anonymous poster (funny... don't want to identify yourself?)

McCain and Palin skewered themselves.

Bush did the worst thing imaginable - decided that criticism of his policies = Unamerican. You start deciding that it's not American to protest the actions of the government? Wrong move. Hugely wrong move. And so therefore, he deserved the criticism. He got a lot of slack after 9/11 - five years worth of it, partially out of fear from the "Unamericanism" and partially because all of a sudden, having an individual opinion was dangerous.

You're free to think I'm wrong. But given you have no courage to sign a name, in my opinion, your thoughts are worthless.