04 November 2008

Rhode Island Voting Report

I came, I saw, I voted. And if you're a U.S. citizen, you should today as well.

Rhode Island polls are open from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. With our work/commute schedules, we always go first thing, as the polling place is right around the corner from our house.

We arrived at 7:10. Short wait - people had definitely been there for the door opening, as there were a stack of the ballot privacy folders on top of the optical reader already (signifying that people had already cast ballots, for those of you not familiar with them). Rhode Island votes the basic way - pen and paper, draw a line to connect the head and tail of an arrow toward the person you're voting for.

There were six different candidates, plus a write-in line, on our ballot for President. I voted straight Democratic Party ticket, plus yes on both of our budget concerns - we have bridges crumbling (notably... I-95, which now has a severe weight limit on it) that need to be fixed. I pay taxes for civilization - and fixing crumbling infrastructure is a big part of that.

I'm glad I'm done, I did my part. Now I just have to sit back and watch the results. While yes, it looks good for Obama, I've learned never to take anything for granted with some portions of American society.

And I'm damn proud to 1) have survived the nightmare of George W. Bush, and 2) voted for Obama. The last dark eight years are almost over.

Thank Gods.

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