26 November 2007

Random questions meme

via Gentle Blessing, because I'm too sleepy to do too much else right now...

1. what's your name? Melissa

2. how old are you? 32, counting down to an eleventy.

3. where are you from? are you living there right now? Montana. No, I live on the other side of the country.

4. is it cold where you are? It's not quite freezing, but it's fairly damp and cold outside - it's one of those typical rainy November days in New England.

5. what's the time? 9:36 a.m.

6. what are you wearing? Red sweater, khakis, penny loafers

7. what was the last thing you listened to? "Hung Up" by Madonna on my iPod

8. what was the last thing you ate? Bagel Bites for dinner last night

9. what was the last thing you watched on tv? The Patriots-Eagles game last night

10. what's your favourite tv show and why? Doctor Who, because it has such an odd format on TV (and well, David Tennant...)

11. quick! find a book or something with text on it! flip to a random page and read some of it! go! The only book in front of me is the style guidelines for documents here at work... it's VERY unexciting. However, if I must... "Coverage colums - set at 80%, Limits Column, set at 20%"). See? Dull.

12. what was the last movie you saw? how was it? Gone Baby Gone. It was very good, and very thought-provoking. Ben Affleck should stay behind the camera, IMHO.

13. do you think you have an accent? talk about that. I know I do (we all do), but I don't have a distinct regional one. It's a blend of Montana western "flat" with the mix of eastern Pennsylvania from my parents mixed with the conversational rhythm of New England. I interchange slang phrases, and occasionally drop R's these days. It's very confusing - I tend to stumble over my own words quite a bit.

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