01 November 2007

It's November, and that means...

It's time to start thinking about holiday card exchanges! (*gasp*) I know, I know. It seems early. But really, truly - it isn't.

So here's the deal - in years past, I've done individual exchanges with cards. And I'm still very happy to do that - if that's what you'd prefer, lemme know in your comment. That way, you won't be put on a master list.

BUT - a few other bloggers I've known casually over the years have hosted bigger exchanges, and I want to attempt it this year. Because really - it's ALL about getting happy mail among the mountains of mags and bills in November and December.

What I need from you:

1) Your LJ name or your blogging nickname (if off LJ):
2) Your web address (if off LJ):
3) Your name and complete mailing address:
4) Your email address (for sending you the master list):
5) If you have a preference for either religious or non-religious cards, please let me know:
6) If this list goes over 30 people, do you want to be part of a 30-person only group, or the list at large?
7) Any other info you'd like to add (for my organizing benefit)?

Send this to me in either a private email to measiwitch(at)gmail.com, with the subject line of Holiday Cards, or reply via comment to this entry. ALL COMMENTS ARE SCREENED. You'll get a confirm email that I received your address.

Anyone who wants to participate, please add your info no later than November 11. The list will be organized and emailed no later than November 15th so folks have plenty of time to send cards.