06 June 2007

Wednesday Updates...

Erich and I called my mother - and got her answering machine. She didn't call back.

Color me surprised. She probably will eventually call back - a week or two from now, citing how she's "so busy." That's been her excuse for the past month or so now. She keeps bringing up things that she "needs" to get for me for the wedding, but never does.

(and of course, when I asked her for them point-blank in an email, she ignored my request and then went on the aforementioned religion rant).

Of course... you know... I apparently have loads of free time on my hands. From conversations with my mother, she seems to be under the impression that I still live according to a college schedule, even though she's more than aware that I do a 12 hour day five days per week - kinda has to happen when you live 60 miles from your job.

And I've only been out of college for a decade now. *snort*

Ah yes... I'm pissy about the wedding today. What else is new? Honestly... other than the wedding I'm fine. But I'm seriously starting to feel time pressure here, and while Erich's trying to convince me that we're fine... we're right on top of things...

and in reality, we're probably fine. But I always panic to get myself motivated to bust my ass into gear.

I'd really, REALLY like to get this phone call out of the way, however - even though I'm quite certain I'll be both sobbing and puking my guts out afterward, based on my physical reactions to just trying to make the call last night.


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