03 April 2006

A beautiful weekend

This weekend was the first one where I truly was itching to get out of work on Friday and just get outside. The sun was shining and was wonderfully warm. The sidewalks and park benches were flooded with people. Everyone was smiling and being polite to strangers. The cabin fever of winter was already forgotten from every person's mind.

Ahhh... spring.

With my manager's "unofficial" blessing, I left work around 3:15. I was probably one of the last people to leave. I grabbed the 3:45 train home, and Erich (who had wisely taken the day off to catch up on yardwork) picked me up in Providence. We spent the evening with friends. The guys played poker. My brain was focused on getting the final stitches done on The Castle, so I curled up on the couch and just listened to them play. I got a lot done-- I have only about 20 stitches left.

Our friend Purkis spent the night at our place, since he and Erich had a scheduled D&D game back at the same house the next day. We did a morning run to Bickfords (or "Biffahds," as we've nicknamed it with an exaggerated accent) for the generic weekend breakfast plates & so-so coffee. Then the guys headed off to their game, and I puttered around the house for the day. I kept all of the windows open to air out the house. I had planned to finish all of the laundry we have piled up, but our bed pillows just would not finish drying. It backed up everything, and I only got another load done. (sigh) We had a small rainshower late in the afternoon. It seemed to affect all of the buds almost immediately. Things looked greener instantly.

I did a lot of World of Warcrack in the evening, and managed to level my character twice. I'm now at 47.

On Sunday, we slept in extremely late since the clocks changed. I don't think we actually started moving much before noon. It was another beautiful day, so we took advantage of the time to pick up all of the trash that had found its way into the yard over the winter months. We still have a lot of leaf raking to do, but getting rid of all of that trash made a wonderful difference. We also walked around the yard to take stock of what's growing, and where. I'll post some photos on Thursday morning of everything. We did some more World of Warcrack late Sunday, including one of the big instance "dungeons" (Zul'Farrak, for anyone interested). That pushed my character very close to level 48.

Now I'm on a short work week. We're taking off Thurday through Monday to head out to San Diego and celebrate Minarae and Petrouchka's wedding on Saturday. :) I can't wait!

~ Mel.

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