15 May 2009


I'd say not much has happened recently, but it has been a busy couple weeks. Just a blur of a couple weeks.

The bad stuff:

- Mom was laid off last Friday. It wasn't completely unexpected, though. She works in real estate, and the company had been stripping off personnel all year. I left a message for her to commiserate, but she headed off immediately for a vacation week at the beach. So I haven't talked to her yet. I'm gathering that the beach week means she's okay, though.

- Been sick for the better part of a week with some annoying low-grade thing that just will not leave me alone. I had a couple days in it that were very miserable with multiple trips to the bathroom for a couple different issues (ahem). Feeling a bit better, but I'm still obnoxiously tired all the time. Just drained.

- Work's been stressful due to the people I work with. Nothing new, but it hasn't helped matters.

The good stuff:

- Been doing my writing for Support Stacie. I'm about 1/2 done with wiggiemomsi's fic (hooray!), and then will start on the shorter after-pieces to thank other high bidders. Wiggie's should be done by mid-next week, then off to beta. The others I'll do on my week off at the end of the month.

- I HAVE A WEEK OFF AT THE END OF THE MONTH. Yay! First vacation week since the UK last fall. I need it so badly.

- Went last weekend to the University of Rhode Island for their spring farm fair. The masters students in life sciences grow plants in the college greenhouses over the winter, then sell them as a fundraiser. I got three different tomatoes (already large enough that they're staked), a jalapeno pepper plant, mixed basil, parsley, garlic chives, and 2 lavender seedlings. We're going to build a raised bed this weekend to plant everything. :)

- Mom's offered to come up when I take time off to help decorate the house - badly needed, since we haven't done a thing since moving in. I cannot wait to get rid of our loud, 1970's era wallpaper. She has ideas for the kitchen, and I will happily go along with them since I have no decorating sense whatsoever.

- My clothes are too big, and I need to buy new ones not only because mine are worn - but because THEY ARE TOO BIG ON ME. Woots!

- We're selling the Jeep to a guy who wants to fix it up as a second car project. Only getting $600 for it, but due to the amount of work needed, we're cool with it. And it's more than we'd get for a donation. It's not trade-in worthy, since it doesn't run.

- Soon, hopefully, I will have a new car. We've decided, barring issues with a test drive, on a Honda Fit, quite possibly in "Blue Sensation Pearl" which is so TARDIS looking, it's hysterical. And this car is definitely "bigger on the inside" than it appears. Heh.

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