24 January 2008

Thursday Thirteen: January Insanity

I haven't posted here on measi(dot)net in a while - it honestly has been slipping my mind. I don't know. I think I just want to keep all of the fandom insanity separate from my blog over here, but it seems that my life is just wrapped in fandom these days... so, eh. I probably just should let it bleed over and give up, eh?

In any case, it's been insane since the beginning of the year, and here's my thirteen things that have been taking over my life since the New Year:

1) Birthday celebrations. I'm 33, had a fantastic birthday with friends over a Pats game and some delicious strawberry hookah smoking.

2) The Patriots. Sundays have been owned by football. Absolutely owned. And I'm loving it. The Superbowl party is in the works. :)

3) Being sick. I fell ill with a cold on New Year's Eve, and still have the annoying cough that goes with it, despite otherwise feeling fine. It's not a painful cough, mostly in the mornings and evenings, but the cold weather (and the hookah smoking on my birthday) didn't help.

4) Fanfic writing. I've been finishing up pieces that were due around the holidays. Got one done and posted last week. Now I'm working on the other one, which I hope to have completed this month. A small idea just snowballed and, with some help from another writer, looks to be a much better, satisfying piece.

5) Work. I've been absolutely insane with work lately. Lots of little projects, lots of paperwork to get through because insurance policies have just renewed as of the first of the year, and lots of really random little things like redesigning the company letterhead (eep!)

6) Torchwood & Doctor Who - Torchwood Series 2 just started airing in the UK last week, and it starts on BBCA this Saturday, along with Doctor Who series 3. Both shows are must-see, IMHO. The second series of Torchwood is already MUCH better than the first. Much slicker, stronger plots, and much more sure of itself. And Series 3 Who? Absolutely wonderful. The first six episodes are a mixed bag, but the last seven are much-watch. Particularly Human Nature, Family of Blood, and Blink which should be on in March. You must watch Blink if you haven't done so. It's a brilliant piece of television, regardless of science fiction leanings. It's up for a Nebula award, and undoubtedly will go up for a Hugo this year (the writer, Steven Moffat, has won for his Who outings the past two years).

7) Money issues. Erich and I have been... let's say, stressed. Partially holidays related, partially increase in heating bills related, and partially issues that come up with his mom's estate. I'm just really worried about financing our trip to England in October.

8) Emotional stuff. Erich's worn down by his mom's estate affairs. I'm worn down from being constantly on the run since, oh, last August. We're both in dire need of a break. Thankfully we're not snapping at each other, but both of us are just exhausted.

9) The weather. Unlike last year, where it was nearly 50 degrees for a good portion of January, it's been quite cold with lingering snow. I think it's contributing to some of the emotional exhaustion.

10) Attempting to get our lives back in order. Vet appointments are being caught up on, getting stuff cleaned around the house, finishing up the final few thank you notes from the wedding, etc. - we have a lot of little projects around the house that we desperately want to get done.

11) Cat issues. Along with the generic vet appointment, we've been dealing with some feline frustration. One of the cats was taking to peeing all over the house. We've added a couple additional cat boxes (one upstairs, one out in the sunroom), and that seems to have stopped most of it. We still have an idiot cat who is apparently going into a cat box and peeing, not realizing its ass is hanging out of the box when it goes, though. Haven't caught the culprit, but somehow I think it's one of our bigger three - Colley, Gus, or Hoodsie.

12) World of Warcraft. Attempting to have some me-time has resulted in a lot of hours playing WoW again, and doing all of the in-game related stuff I've wanted to do but couldn't commit the time to while also planning the wedding. Meaningless to real life, of course, but still a little sense of accomplishment all the same.

13) I really don't have a thirteen. Maybe commuting time? The MBTA continues to suck and get worse. This morning's sightseeing excursion on the commuter rail took us ringing around the city through Dorchester because apparently there was something wrong on the mainline track. Never mind the fact that when we got to the junction where both lines meet up by South Station, there were three trains that came through the main line. AND, our train was forced to wait through three trains coming through (10 minutes, standing still), despite us being the ones that were running 20 minutes late into the station. *sigh*

Will February calm down? I hope so!


Melanie said...

You certainly have been a busy lady! I love birthdays and yep..the Patriots are my sons fav..so we are REALLY looking forward to the Superbowl. fun stuff...!! Hope things slow down a bit for you!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the Patriots. I'm so glad they made it! Of course, my other team made it too so I've gotta go for them...the Giants. Happy TT!

Michelle said...

Go PATS!! 19-0 and counting. It's been a great season, with more to come.

Your #13 made me glad I no longer live anywhere near the MBTA, though mass transit here in Raleigh, NC is a nonexistent dream.

Happy TT!!

Sandee said...

What a list. I hope all the ones that need to get better, get better soon. Have a great TT. :)

cindy kay said...

I hope you get some much needed rest!

Anonymous said...

I can understand the being busy... and I would say I hope things slow down for you but from my experiance of married life they just seem to get busier.

Miss hearing from you on this sight I would pop over to live journal but don't have access at work and like you the home life is very busy.

Send me an e-mail sometime when you have a chance so we can get caught up.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, we gave up on Torchwood after the first few episodes of the first series, though we are in the minority, it seems. BBC America say it is their most successful series ever. I just couldn't believe in the universe being saved by four people not old enough to have gone through puberty yet.

Dr Who, though, is must see! Can't wait for the 2 hour episode this weekend.

Measi said...

I just couldn't believe in the universe being saved by four people not old enough to have gone through puberty yet.

With all due respect, I think 20-somethings have gone through puberty.

But given that you think they're saving the universe, you clearly don't understand what the show is about.

Michelle said...

I had to double box my litterboxes due to one of my cats peeing over the side. I use a slighty wider/taller Rubbermaid container on the outside and a regular extra large litterbox set inside of it.

That way, if they go over the side, at least the bigger box catches it and keeps it off the floor. And they don't seem to be bothered by having to step into 2 boxes.