02 January 2008

Dear Puffs brand tissues -

Your idea to put Vicks Vapor Rub into your tissues was a weird idea, I grant you - I was concerned as I considered the box in CVS this afternoon.

But I decided that I was intrigued, and would do a temporary subscription to your newsletter, seeing that my nose is congested to all hell today and I'd give anything to be able to breathe.

Upon breathing in the instant nose-clearing scent of them tonight? You have won me over. Even though I believe they are strong enough to give me a Vapor Rub high. I can just sit here with a tissue under my nose, and I can breathe! Without taking brain-fogging meds!


Puffs? I love you. I really, truly love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh I'm not so sure.... what if one were to use the embedded tissue in an emergency (no TP in the ladies room)!? Yikes!