10 December 2004

* throws confetti *

She couldn't live further away from me (and still be in the lower 48) if she tried... so I'm throwing my little party here.

Happy 30th birthday Andi!!

You're now again a year older than me-- hah! Granted... it's for only a month, as always, but I just have to say that-- as I always do. :)

I have to admit, though-- it's very weird that you're 30. I've been spending the last few months trying to get used to saying that about myself. That I'm going to be 30. It's a bit easier to conceptualize Erich being 30. But for some reason, grasping it about you is a bit more difficult... perhaps because I've known you so long, and probably because most of my memories of the two of us are this big jumbled mess of age five (only because I can't remember earlier) to age 21.

There are many days that I miss our time of going on great safaris through the Rimrocks, climbing along those ledges that our parents would kill us for going near. When I've been home, the boulders still have their names-- Telephone Rock, Sandwich Rock. You know-- I tried to climb into the little cave in Sandwich Rock when I was home last, just to see if our scratching was still on the wall. (I couldn't-- my ass is too big).

Around five o'clock in the afternoon most days, I still get a little memory of quickly running up and touching Ghost Rock together so the "unknown spirits" of the Rims wouldn't get us, even though Ghost Rock is 2,000 miles away and there really is no substitute around here. What WAS that spirit we were afraid of (either jokingly or seriously), anyway?

And FYI-- apparently we're not the only ones who do that, because as of two years ago, the current kids of the neighborhood seem to believe the same "curse" and do the same thing. We're suburban legend creators! *beams proudly* And yes, I'm proud to be the one who corrupted you into swearing. I'm sure your parents are so proud of me. But you have to admit, it was a gift that just had to be passed on!

I don't know if you saw it last year-- but I fought so hard not to laugh when Star Trek: Nemesis came out. The whole Troi-Riker arc made me immediately think of you. Especially with how crushed we were as it seemed that said romance was falling flat in the later seasons. To answer your question-- the badly written Star Trek fic AND that really-should-not-be-spoken-of-again attempt at sex!fic that we wrote is... somewhere. I'm hoping it's in the storage tubs at my mom's house and wasn't left in my room for the Stepmonster to find when she took over my room at home. Said fics should probably never see the light of day again. *grin* But if I ever do, you'll get a copy-- a photocopied copy (because the handwriting is part of that whole experience) so you can giggle, too.

Pool parties, sleepovers, the introduction of the classic party games (*ahem* I never got my bra back from your parent's freezer)... the two of us did everything together. It's no wonder we were love-hate throughout our childhood, amusing our parents to no end with the "I'm not talking to her-- I hate her" b.s., followed in about a week by "Oh that? No, that was nothing, Mom!". I swear, the two of us are siblings more than we are with our actual sibs a lot of the time! No wonder they never got involved in our squabbles-- we just always seemed to fix them ourselves.

It amazes me how much you've been a part of my life-- how important a part of my life you are. And even though we don't talk as often now due to the miles and our everyday lives, I'm happy to know that if I pick up the phone, we just start talking as if no time has passed since the last conversation.

So have a happy birthday, Andi. Hug that little cutie of yours and kiss the bigger cutie. And enjoy.

(and I'll enjoy my last 32 days of my twenties until I catch up to you again)

Love ya,

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