20 July 2009

A final blogger post

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but my webhost's new server switch finally made it a forced reality for me: the move off of Blogger to WordPress.

I've been frustrated with Blogger's capabilities for a while, so this is a good move. Not planning on deleting this anytime soon - but I've merged all of these Blogger entries - and the comments - to the new space back on my own site.

I hope you'll follow me over there. Everything going forward will be at http://www.measi.net/measiblog/.



Yoyo said...

Mel I was trying to leave a comment over at your new blog. It ran me through Open ID, Word Press Id and Yahoo ID, but I don't think it ever accepted my comment. Do you want to check if there is a problem.

I wanted to welcome you to the Totally Useless SAL and am posting a new member link today, so assumed I should be linking you to your new blog.

Yoyo said...

Well, it did it to me again. Was trying to let you know I got your comment about joining the Christmas SAL and the same thing happened again. I don't know if you are getting my comments on the new blog or not. I have a Word Press ID and an Open ID ID so I don't know why it isn't working. Can you just send me a hello e-mail (yoyo_9203 at yahoo dot com) please. Then if nothing else I can contact you that way. Hugs -- and welcome to the new SAL, looking forward to your project. yoyo