02 December 2007

Wedding Preparation Redux

2007 was, by and large, the year that I managed to go completely insane. The vast majority of it was spent dealing with all things wedding planning. And much to my annoyance, it wound up taking up every ounce of my life that wasn't devoted to the work I had to do to pay the bills.

First thing I thought of waking up? Wedding stuff.
Last thing I thought of before falling asleep? Wedding stuff.

Two months and change post-wedding, I'm so relieved that it's not happening anymore. And other than my thank-you notes that are underway and getting whittled down... I have no other wedding stuff left-over that needs to be done.

I don't miss it. I don't wish wedding planning on anyone in the world. Because it was pure hell. My wedding day was beautiful - I had a fantastic time. But the months leading up to it were pure hell.

So when one of my friends asked for help with her wedding preparations, I felt guilty saying that no, I couldn't come to her house yesterday. This weekend was my only one in December currently not booked with something or other, and I knew I had lots to get done personally. I definitely wanted to help, particularly because she's been having a rough go at work lately. Wedding stress is just one of those things that, well, takes over.

But as it worked out, as long as I didn't have to do the traveling, I was fine. She was happy to come down to my house, and so today she did. We sat in the living room, watching the first three episodes of Doctor Who since its rebirth in 2005 (in an attempt to hook her fiance). Then we watched the first two episodes of Blackpool because Tricia, like me, is a David Tennant fan and needs to enjoy the man in all of his native Scottish accented glory, complete with scruffy five o'clock shadow and singing. David Tennant singing Kenny Roger's The Gambler into an ice cream cone microphone? Oh yes. It is awesome. I promise.

It's a shame the U.S. producers didn't just go to get permission to air Blackpool, rather than try to remake it into the tripe that became Viva Laughlin.

Anyway... the assistance Tricia needed for her wedding was folding paper cranes. She's doing the 1,000 paper cranes for good luck thing for her wedding. She's smart to be getting started now for a June wedding. :) So as we watched TV, she, her fiance, my husband, our friend Matt, and I folded cranes.

In about three hours - including breaks for food - we managed to fold 58 cranes. She now has over 200 done.

And I can fold paper cranes from memory now.

Kinda cool.

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