14 December 2007

Dear New England

Why is it that every time it snows, the mentality prevails that it's something so deathly horrible that everyone becomes complete morons, freaks out, can't get anywhere, and just gets an incurible case of the snow stupids?


Learn to drive correctly on snow. Stop being an ass and trying to cut the lines of cars, causing people to spin out, slam on their brakes, or get into accidents because you're being such an ass.

And plows? DO YOUR DAMN JOB. If the main roads are too crowded with cars, do us a favor and start cleaning off the secondary and terciary roads so people can use them. Don't sit there with your plow up, just watching people.

It took my husband FOUR HOURS to drive what normally takes EIGHT MINUTES. He almost ran out of gas in the process. I don't doubt many people did. People in my office had to abandon their cars due to running out of gas - from FULL TANKS.

*head desk*

ETA: This will be my last post for Holidailies. This was not appreciated and makes me very uncomfortable remaining with the project. The community owners asked for honest opinions, and I gave mine. I feel that honesty is important, and what I gave was constructive and honest criticism and suggestions on how to go about a project like this in the future.


Pam! said...

wow! I don't know a lot about holidailies but now I know I'll not take the time to find out more. I don't really think it was wise to link as they did. Uncool.

Unknown said...

I second Pam in thinking that link and the comments were also very uncool to do.


pigbook1 said...

wow. At first I missed the link and then reread it and ... um yeah that was rude. Their loss I guess. Sorry to hear that

Anonymous said...

Lurking Holidailies gal here. I hope you don't quit because I have enjoyed reading your blog entries (I also spent most of last year wedding planning!). But I do understand. I saw the link today and felt like it detracted from the rest of the post.

I actually agreed with you, given how much money I donate the rest of the year, and given the stated focus of Holidailies. I didn't think your post was hurtful at all, but our hosts are human and maybe a little sensitive. Anyway - I hope you don't quit, but I'm glad I found your blog!