05 December 2007


Sometime after lunch yesterday, the really cold winter air pressed into Boston. By the time I left work, the temperature was somewhere down around 20 degrees. And me, being the crazy "I fear no cold!" Montanan that I am, was wearing only a padded hoodie. No hat. No scarf. No mittens.

I'd be lying if I claimed I wasn't completely freezing when I exited the train in Providence - but I have a theory about it, see. Because I refuse to lose my Montanan "fear no cold" winter cred.

It's the station's fault. The tunnel where the tracks rest are under the rest of the station - so there's the wind tunnel effect. Plus it's all concrete - unadorned, basic concrete - which means it's sucking the cold in further, right?

Plus there are the metal rails. AND - because I'm on an Acela line, there are concrete railroad ties as well.

See? It's all of the concrete - which is making me cold.

Yeah. That's it.





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