07 December 2007

Squirming again

Well, it was a productive night last night. Got the draft of the OSK piece done. I'm fairly happy with it. I could do more, but I can always do more, I suppose. There's always room for improvement. But I needed to get something to the beta readers (thanks guys!!!) and just feel productive about it.

To my surprise before I went to bed, I had beta reads returned from two folks - eep! That was fast. Granted, it's 2,000 words... but still, really fast. I haven't looked at comments yet, though. I want to get the OT3 fic draft done and sent off before I start editing. Keeping focus is good, and I've been struggling with it as it is.

My plan this evening is to loosen up with a small amount of alcoholic shots of my choice and then get to writing the sex scenes of this fic. I don't feel comfortable writing smut on the train - just in case someone's staring over my shoulder. Writing smut in general is very... well... revealing, I think. It definitely exposes a writer in ways that are unique. Perhaps it's one of those societal undercurrents gone wrong - or just my slightly more conservative upbringing. I don't know. But yes, it does make me feel like I'm exposed and on uncomfortable display.

Add to that the unknown of writing male-on-male sex, which I have no personal experience with beyond the occasional purient curiosity regarding gay porn (i.e. "how the heck do guys do this together?", and well, it's getting a bit tougher to figure out. Now add on the third party into this OT3 fic, and things are getting MUCH more confusing to figure out.

*Gasp* Writing threesomes? Measi, you should be ashamed of yourself!

So yeah - I've decided that in order to write this, I need to be drunk.

In case at some point anyone reading it thinks it's completely out of left field and crazy and wonders if I were drunk when I wrote this, I can quite honestly say "Yes. Yes I was."

It'll make me feel better, at least.

Popping the prOn cherry,


peppylady (Dora) said...

Every Friday I do what I call "Friendly Friday" and I feature a few blogs and hope that others will stop by and I feature your blog this time.

bozoette said...

It's really pretty fun writing sex scenes. Ask Joe about the aftermath! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi neighbor.


Well, probably not... I live down in South County... but, on the other hand, it is often said that all of Rhode Island is really just like one small town.

I see Bozoette Mary has visited here. If you get a chance, take a look at her semi-autobiographical novel "Girl Clown" -- it's good.

Not a Google or Blogger member so I have to be annonymous I guess... but I'm Jim of www.jimsjournal.com

kbrow said...

Yay for writing slash! As the Nike people sez...just do it. And yes, I reckon alcohol helps.