04 May 2007

Wedding updates and Weekend Wackiness

First off, a very happy birthday to Melinda and Ian. Hope the celebrations are fun. :)

Second, best of luck to my friends Toni and Maria, who are both walking in Sunday's Walk for Hunger. :) You go, girls!

As for me, it'll be a fairly busy weekend. I have some wedding stuff to get caught up on, some stitching stuff that needs to be completed and mailed, and an office that desperately needs to be put together so I can actually work in there.

This is what my weekend's shaping up to be:

Today: Working a half day, leaving just after one. I'm going for the wedding dress bra fitting this afternoon (whee), followed by new work clothes shopping for Erich (who can now dress in jeans, but somehow doesn't own any), stitching shopping for me, and dinner somewhere we can find room.

Tomorrow: To my knowledge, is "Cinco de Mayo y Who," which translates to craftiness, beer and other drinky things, and a massive Doctor Who catchup session for at least one of my sorority sisters.

Sunday: Attacking the Son of Beast, which is my office. Earlier this year, Erich put a fabulous new desk together for me. Now I just need to organize the rest of the furniture in the room, put stuff on shelves, and make it a workable space. If I have time leftover, I'll get outside and get my planters ready for new plants in a couple weeks. (I doubt I'll have time leftover, though).

The wedding planning continues to be a lesson in thumping my head against doorframes. The DJ that we had reserved backed out on is, pulling a ratty move by calling us not on our cell or office phones - or even emailing us, but on our house phone, telling us that he needed to hear from us "by the end of business today" or he'd be taking the alternate client. And of course, we don't get home from work until after 7 - which I'd told him when giving him contact numbers. Asshole. Thankfully, we have our deposit back and the original copy of the contract (which I've ripped up). So we're back to square 1 on the DJ. And I'm very annoyed about the whole thing.

But on the good news front, we now can officially get married. Erich asked one of our friends, Tony, if he would mind being our officiant. Tony was flattered and thrilled - so "Reverend Landry" will be presiding over our ceremony. :)

Flowers, cake, what to do about bridesmaids... all on my plate for the next week and a half. Whee.

I've heard rumors of a mid-70's weather week all week next week.

I'll believe it when I see it. :)

Happy Friday!

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