01 May 2007

Blessed Beltane

Good morning Boston! You see that beautiful big bright ball in the sky? That's the SUN. That thing that we haven't seen a whole hell of a lot of in recent weeks.

And guess what else? It brought that other foreign thing - WARMTH.

So play hooky so I can live vicariously through you, please.

thank you.

/public service announcement


One thing that I really need to learn to stop doing (although it is oh, so much fun) is not to have Beltane-related celebrations at one in the morning. *cough*

But like I said - it is quite fun. ;)

I had to do a reluctant trip to $tarbucks this morning for a venti chai latte to help me wake up today. I didn't put enough nutmeg in it, but it'll do. Whether or not I stay awake today, though, is a mystery.

It's been a weird couple weeks in the Geekywitch household. Erich interviewed for a new job two weeks ago, and found out last week that he'd gotten it. He gave a week's notice (due to being so miserable), and now is enjoying a week to catch up on stuff at home. He's taken the very daring route of vowing to clean up/out our entire house this week. And to my surprise, he's actually doing a pretty damn good job of it so far. He's got a list of all of those annoying little projects we really, truly need to get done. He's just working through them.

And the new job starts on Monday. I really hope he'll be happy there.

The only downside of this change is that I'm commuting from Providence to Boston on my own from now on. Erich will be driving to his new job (still in Massachusetts, but not all the way up to the city). Some mornings I'm sure I'll commute part way with him, be dropped off at a random MBTA station, etc. But it's a little weird being on my own again, curled up on a T car, letting my mind wander aimlessly as the scenery flies by. I'm hoping that once my brain adjusts to the new "routine" that I'll be able to make my nearly 3 hours of commute time per day worthwhile with some writing, some stitching, etc.

Life certainly doesn't slow down, does it?

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