31 January 2005

Overly busy weekend

I officially discovered during the overnight hours of Friday to Saturday that yes, I am in fact too old to pull an all-nighter anymore. I used to live off of them. Up until 5 or 6 a.m., often seeing the sunrise, and then crashing. Now? Not so much. Granted, I still go to bed late for the nine-to-five crowd (at midnight... ish), but no, can't do those anymore.

Unless I have a week of recovery time.


It was a fun weekend. The only other sorority-filled weekend in recent memory was the 20th anniversary cruise weekend. Other than that? I honestly can't recall one since... probably the night I turned 21.

But anyway... Friday night was Sisterhood Night (the new and improved-- and much less painful -- "Hell Night" from my undergrad years) for ΤΒΣ. I wound up being about an hour late to the festivities due to Erich and my work schedules... but found that honestly, I could have probably arrived about an hour later (due to the activity schedule) to alleviate some of my stress. I managed to find street parking outside SFA (yay!) and met up with everyone upstairs. Tricia and I talked a lot that evening, which was great. We've had the occasional livejournal and AIM chats before, but not really just hung out together. :)

Some of the activities of Sisterhood Night were familiar to me. Some weren't. But overall, it was a good time. The chapter is getting absolutely huge now (!!) which is fantastic. I managed to talk to some of the ΑΒ class members late in the evening as I drove them home. I honestly think that the constant renewal of new energy and enthusiasm is what often drives the chapter. Especially during rough spots like they've had recently.

So I managed to drag myself home around 4 a.m. on Saturday morning and promptly collapsed into bed. Only to be woken up by a VERY annoyed Gus at 9 a.m. (who was wondering what the effing deal was... he wanted attention... dammit.) *sigh*

Saturday afternoon I spent over at the apartment of fellow alumni John, Michelle, Ian, and (newly turned) Rodney. We had an unofficial meeting, which was an official "Stitch 'n Bitch." We all pulled out the cross-stitch projects and curled up on various couches to work on them as we vented about chapter frustrations and life in general. Tricia and Maria were also there. Frantic gift creation by bigs to their little sisters were being done. It was a good time. Tricia left for the hockey game around 5. I left sometime around 7 to head home, once my eyes announced that no, they would not see the difference between the coding numbers in my pattern.

Saturday evening was spent in a daze on the couch for about an hour and a half before I passed out around 10:30 or 11.

On Sunday morning, I set the alarm to get up for the 3rd degree ritual (making the pledge class official sisters... for those readers not in Greek life), which was at 9 a.m. I got up at 7:15 and just felt completely awful. As in "oh god what hit me" awful. I decided to stay home. I was wiped. I felt ill. And for three hours, I couldn't justify heading back up to Boston AGAIN for the third time in as many days.

All day I felt out of it and not really well. I managed to get a couple errands done that needed doing... but otherwise the day was unproductive. Thankfully another good night of sleep seems to have taken away whatever crud I was feeling-- it must have just been holdover from Friday night that just was warning me to chill out a bit.

From what I've heard, degree went well. I'm sad to have missed it-- but I'll know for the future that if I'm heading to Sisterhood Night... I need to plan on getting home by about 1 a.m. so I can get a relatively normal night sleep. I may miss a bit, but I'd rather honestly let the actives celebrate sisterhood night together and be able to celebrate the formal events with them (degree). Sisterhood Night changes from class to class. The ritual never does, and it's what ultimately binds us all together as shared experiences.

So congrats to the new sisters and honorary! :) I'm sorry I missed it, but I know I'll be seeing all of you guys around campus during meetings and such.

Off to get work done... World's Largest Dungeon awaits me this evening...

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