01 January 2005


I have a little secret that I'm dying to tell, but honestly shouldn't yet because it's not yet an official thing. So instead, I'm going to bounce and be disgustingly girly, and annoying with the "I got a secret" dance.


I failed miserably on drinking in moderation last night. Thankfully Erich was our designated driver. Otherwise we would have been crashing out down in Providence. I was about a shot's worth of alcohol shy of being shitfaced, I believe. I remember some things. I didn't black out. But I was in pretty bad shape last night.

Thankfully, since I mostly stuck to vodka-only drinks, the hangover this morning was pretty mild. The 550 milligram Anaprox pill helped, too. :) And the big glass of water I drank immediately upon waking up this morning (before going back to sleep for four hours).

When I finally (!) woke up for good around 11 a.m., I found myself lightly pinned by the two big gay cats. Colley was on my foot. Gus was curled around him. Fizzy then took the opportunity to come onto the bed and get all flirty. She's been... assertive lately.

After a good hearty breakfast, Erich and I headed down to the Wrentham Outlets to get some clothes for Erich and for me to browse around. They had a wool coat at London Fog that I loved-- it was very Paddington Bear style. But just a bit too small for me. *sigh* I did end up relishing in the joy that was the "all bras for $12" sale at Avenue and got some frilly things that are slightly more upscale than what I normally end up wearing. Erich bought some nice clothes and necessities. We got through ONE AISLE of the outlets in about three hours because we were browsing and just spent our money. That's it-- we didn't even walk around much. Ah well, next time, I guess!

It really was a perfect day to go shopping. The weather was near 50 degrees. It was sunny, but a bit windy. The snow is quickly melting, so in spots there were some slipping worries. But since it's not a wooded area, the sun was getting the snow along the walkways down very quickly. I have to admit, though-- I have this memory of everything being closed on New Year's Day. Maybe I was just home because Dad was always on-call on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day... but I swear I don't remember stores being open. *shrug* It seemed like one of the biggest shopping days of the year! (and honestly, the best sales that you could want).

We grabbed dinner at the Cracker Barrell before heading home. Erich sounds like ass after dealing with a headcold for the past few days, but seems to be rallying. Tomorrow will be a lazy day of watching Patriots football and getting my penpalling stuff done. :)

*bounces again*

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