27 December 2004

Back from Pennsylvania

This is the short, short version. I'm kinda worn out and just want to be brain dead with Sims or Roller Coaster Tycoon tonight...

I was entirely too lazy to go down to Mom's basement to get on the internet on her computer-- apparently the wireless network is no longer in existence. So no entries this weekend, obviously.

Anyway--- Erich and I returned home from Pennsylvania today. We returned home about two hours ago to find a foot of fresh snow outside. Both the drive down and back were just fine-- very little traffic, considering the holiday.

Christmas was great. Everyone was there. Traditions continue as they did, or are adjusted to reflect the growing and changing family. Yours truly actually MADE pierogi-- GOOD pierogi, rather than the entirely too tough ones that I managed to scrape out in high school. Said accomplishment is thanks to the recipe of my grandmother (which I'll post once I've practiced a few more times to be able to add advice-- they are a bit tricky to do) and help from my mom.

Gifts-- I'm in heaven. As of tomorrow evening, once I deposit gift money, all of my credit cards will be officially paid off. Seriously. I'll still owe Erich money, but the stuff with finance charges will be going away in 24 hours. You have no idea how good that feels. My family rocks. Insert kow-tow here.

More stuff coming later, but I need to unwind and have a Reiki attunement to do this evening. More during my oh-so-busy day at work tomorrow.


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