26 October 2006

Thursday Thirteen #8: Halloween Purchases

Thirteen Things we bought for Halloween Decorating

1. Fog machine
2. Juice for said fog machine
3. 100 feet of black tarp paper (to cover the walls of our mudroom)
4. two large packages of the stretchy spiderwebbing for the front bushes
5. glow in the dark "trick or treat" headstone
6. Black plastic cauldron to use as the candy bowl
7. Three large bags of candy- about 8-9 pounds in all (which we'll most likely use up)
8. Two blacklight bulbs
9. Three purple glow sticks
10. Three blue glow sticks
11. Three mini rubber duckies - a witch, a mummy, and frankenducky (I just had to... they were 75 cents each)
12. A fake jack-o-lantern carved with the outline of an arching cat
13. (this weekend) real pumpkins for carving/decorating

Needless to say, I firmly believe in being the Cool House for trick-or-treating. :)

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