07 September 2006

Thursday Thirteen #2: Things I like about myself

Thirteen Things I like about myself

1. I’m extremely patient, both with people and with myself. I’m well aware that good things take time… sometimes lots and lots of time.

2. Since early childhood, I’ve always been passionate about learning. I don’t care what subject—I love to learn and love to explore through thought and discovery.

3. I can keep calm during the worst of times – or at least keep an image up that I’m under control. My mind may be racing, but I instinctively try to create calm around me. Unless it’s just around Erich, and then I don’t worry about it.

4. I love that I have a wide range of hobbies to enrich my life.

5. I love being a cat mom.

6. I generally can find a way to enjoy myself, even if on first glance a situation looks like it will be a complete bore.

7. My friends confide in me, and value my comments and suggestions. I’m straight forward with them because as I believe being a friend requires me to be honest with them, but always try to find a way to be both gentle and supportive (even if I think they’re being stupid).

8. For absolutely no reason at all, I’ve always quietly loved that I have grey eyes, blonde hair, and freckles. I don’t feel like me if my hair’s a different color—and I feel more like me in the summer when my freckles come back out from the sun.

9. I’m very proud to not be a girly-girl. It took me a while to get to this, but I’m still a tomboy, and know I’ll remain that way my entire life.

10. I’m generally able to express myself so clearly with writing, which is a damn good thing since I tend to get tied up if I try to verbalize my deeper thoughts.

11. I’m thankful for being adopted because it has opened my eyes to the reality that family is a connection of love as much as (and honestly in my opinion, more than) it is biology. You can, in fact, pick many members of your family, despite how the saying goes.

12. I like that I wasn’t too scared to go on a first – and blind- date five and change years ago to meet Erich.

13. I can – and do - laugh every day.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Cass - Shash - Caylynn Southern Girl - JM Snyder - Pass the Torch - Buttercup - Tonya - Cindy

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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