15 September 2006

Stitching Progress

Apache Wedding Blessing
Originally uploaded by measi.

My computer is finally home from the repair shop! Now I'm able to upload all of my photos to Flickr to show that I am, in fact, making some good progress on my pieces. If you want to see the larger versions, just head over there via the photo to the right. :)

The piece I've been focusing on is Apache Wedding Blessing. It's stitching quite easily, although I was slowed down last month by having to stitch a large area of light yellow on white - it's rather hard on the eyes! But it's coming along very well, and I'm still shooting to have it done for the holidays so I can present it to Ivanna. Now that the weather is getting colder, I'll definitely be in a mood to snuggle on the couch and stitch.

During my morning and evening commutes, I've been working on Home is Where the Cat Is. It's a small piece that I've had for... ages. I bought it in either 1999 or 2000 and somehow never got around to stitching it. In the last couple months, I've made great progress. It's about 85% complete now:

Last weekend, I started preparing for the OTHER round robin I'll be participating in over the next year: a floral-themed round robin with six stitchers. Stitchers can select any designer. The tricky thing for me was figuring out my layout for each person's block. I first tried a very basic square-on-square format, but I didn't care for the result. Then I started sketching. I finally came up with a loosely "flower" shaped layout with five blocks for petals, and the center block for myself. You can see my rough sketch of the layout at my Flickr account.

I decided to stitch the Morning Glory block from Teresa Wentzler's Floral Bellpull as my center block. It conveniently is the 60x60 stitches I decided upon for each stitcher's area. In about six hours, I've made some great progress on the block:

And finally, Jenni's piece for the UFO round robin showed up yesterday! Her piece is called "The Mighty Samurai." Here's how it looks as received yesterday:

Lots of stitching to do! :)

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