03 August 2006

Monthly stitching goals & SBQ's

So now that it's August (how the HELL did that happen?!?), I'm setting new monthly stitching goals for myself...

1) Complete lower left corner of Apache Wedding Blessing I'm 20 stitches away... close enough for me to say yes!

2) Complete Elemental Dragon:Spirit No- I misplaced my threads... replaced it with another travel project, but didn't finish that, either.

3) Create and implement a new excel tracking spreadsheet for my projects Yes! And almost everything in my stash is already itemized.

4) Have one new start No. Focused too much on Apache. But that's okay with me... :)

5) Work on at least three projects for five hours each. Worked on two pieces, but not three.

    For August, I want to...

    1) Finish half of the bottom border of Apache Wedding Blessing

    2) Finish Home is Where the Cat Is

    3) Prepare my UFO to mail for the UFO RR that starts in September

    4) Get at least a couple hours of work done on Egyptian Sampler

    5) Finally update my stitching pages completely, with photos and update progress.

Nothing too bad-- just a lot of random stitching. I might honestly be able to attack a good chunk of this list on Saturday, since Erich's at an all-day family memorial event, and it's just too damn hot to do anything outdoors. Of course, getting lots of stitching done implies that Colley and Noby the Lover Cats won't be crawling on me as I try to stitch...


Anyway... some SBQ's that I haven't answered...

7/20/06 - When you get a project professionally framed do you get glass inserted into the frame? Why or why not? I plan on having glass put into the frame, mostly just to keep the cat hair from flying up and sticking to the piece (because in my house... it will.)

7/26/06 - Many of us have a few pairs of embroidery scissors and some even have a "collection". How many pairs of scissors do you have? Feel free to share a photo of your favorite pair or pairs with us! Sadly, I only have one pair-- and I hate them. I must have bought the cheaply made pair because I've only had them a year and the connection screw has come completely loose. *sigh* I have to admit, though, I find keeping a pair of fingernail clippers in my thread box is so handy for trimming loose ends. It's very small, doesn't risk poking a hole in my bag, and trims very clean and close.

8/3/06 - Do you have a favorite needlework tool that you like to work with? What is it and why do you like using it? It may sound funny, but my favorite are those little cheap paper bobbins for storing thread. While at the stitching stores, I often get surprised looks that someone my age (for some reason) is working on Teresa Wentzler projects because she's considered so difficult to do. Everyone gripes about having to cut and match the blended threads. I couldn't figure out why it was such a problem, until I realized that other stitchers weren't sorting colors like I did. I create a bobbin, marked by symbol, WITH a length of each color in the blend. Each blend on its own separate bobbin, and gets treated like its own color. I only keep one length of each color on the bobbin at a time to avoid excess floss waste. At the end of the project, the blend bobbins are pretty ratty, so they just get tossed.

Any time I explain this to a stitcher at the store, she exclaims "why didn't *I* think of that?!?"


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