02 September 2005

Wake up, America!

From CNN this morning...

    NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- President Bush told reporters on Friday that millions of tons of food and water are on the way to the people stranded in the wake of Hurricane Katrina -- but he said the results of the relief effort "are not acceptable."

    "A lot of people working hard to help those who've been affected, and I want to thank the people for their efforts," Bush said before leaving the White House for a tour of the devastated areas in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

Let me get this straight-- the results of the relief effort are "not acceptable?" Where were you, Mr. President?

Where were you on SUNDAY, when every network was reporting that a Category 5 storm was bearing down on the gulf coast-- which would have been the fourth ever to hit the U.S.? Every single station covering it was describing it as catastrophic and bringing up what happened with Andrew, Camille, and the Labor Day storm of 1935, not to mention Galveston at the turn of the 20th Century, which was a Category 4?

Oh, that's right-- you were on vacation.

Where were you on MONDAY, while the Gulf Coast was being destroyed? Oh, that's right-- you were plugging your war of aggression in Iraq and praising the results of forcing the Iraqis to come up with a constitution in an attempt to soften the increasing anger toward the war. You were at your ranch in Texas. Still on vacation.

Where were you on TUESDAY, the day after, when sunlight came out and reporters everywhere were describing the devastation? Still on vacation. Pledging that support will come, but that's about it.

On Wednesday, you "cut your vacation short by two days" to get back to Washington. Oh, how generous of you. People now have been baking and starving in the heat for those two days. The situation is worsening in New Orleans, and they don't have the manpower to get things under control. You decide to tap the oil reserve. Oh, how generous of you. I can do without driving a bit, thanks. My gas prices aren't as important as people's lives ending in the middle of feces-invested disaster zones. You gave a pathetic speech about how ice, water, and blankets were being sent down there, and that anyone who wanted to help should send money, and then you SMILED and said that things would work out in the end. And that's ALL you did. You SMILED. As people died. This is NOT a photo-op for you, Mr. President. You're not flying a plane to an aircraft carrier three miles off-shore so you can claim Mission Accomplished.

On Thursday, you announce plans for surveying the region on FRIDAY, and that the military has been sent from Virginia. Again-- you're late. This should have happened on Monday, as it happened, at the very latest. You condemn those who are looting stores- but at this point, really-- they've been without any food or water for THREE FULL DAYS... in the fucking 90 degree sunshine. They are starving. They are dying. And no help is coming to them. What the hell do you expect them to do? Just sit there and do nothing? Yes, there is bullet fire in the air. I find it deplorable. But I can't blame them entirely when people are looting HOSPITALS to survive and are desperate to find any way to escape the city-- no help is arriving. The New York Times begs you to finally get a clue and do your job.

Oh yeah... and rather than actually DO something, you decide to just put your father and your predecessor in charge of relief funding. Bring Daddy in-- maybe he can fix it. Oh yeah, and that president that my party tried to obliterate for getting a blow job. Yeah, he seems to know what's going on.

You are incompetent. Your administration is incompetent. This was not 9-11, which was a surprise attack. This was KNOWN. Troops should have been stationed in Atlanta for deployment on Sunday. This has been discussed ad-nauseum by scientists for years. They've had shows about it on the Discovery Channel, for crying out loud. You cut finding to a project in full-swing that was both repairing and extending those levees to protect New Orleans for your false war and "homeland security."

You are not at fault for the weather, of course-- but you are at fault for not doing your job and leading this nation in a time of dire crisis.

I hope that a good portion of your devotees from the election of 2004 finally have woken up and noticed that the Emperor has no clothes, and the calls for impeachment begin. You have betrayed our nation's trust, Mr. President.

Shame on you.

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