03 May 2005

Trying to dig out

I spent a good chunk of the weekend trying to clean out the hordes of paper that comprise my penpalling and swapping stash. It's truly frightening-- it never seems like I swap this heavy, yet here it all is. *sigh* My goal is to get through all of the organized list swaps that I owe this week. Next week I'll concentrate on my personal letters. And then at the end of next week, I'll start packing up anything that's around and getting it out of the way.

I need to figure out where the excess fb's are going to go, too. It would be nice to get rid of them before we move, but I don't see that happening.

Anyway... while I was tackling that job, Erich took it upon himself to really scour the living room and start packing a few boxes of DVD's, extra gaming books, etc. He did an amazing job. He even took it upon himself to use some carpet freshener on the rugs-- so now when you walk into the apartment, there's this soft floral scent. It's quite nice. :)

Other than the frienzied sorting and cleaning this weekend,the rest was social. Erich had a couple of friends over to watch the DVD collection of Firefly, in preparations for the sneak screening of Serenity on Thursday (yes, we got tickets-- woo hoo!). I went up to the city to attend the last TBS meeting of the year. They installed officers. Life is good.

Work yesterday sucked. I started my week by having our cross-site manager get very pissy with me about something completely out of my control (apparently I'm supposed to be able to miraculously pull items out of backorder from my supply orders). I left her office annoyed, and it developed into a full-blown foul mood by the time I picked Erich up last night. The woman drives me nuts, I swear. She's very aggressive and immediately puts me on edge. Thankfully she works in our other office most of the time. When she's up in my area, I never get things done because I'm running like crazy for her. And usually for very demeaning work-- running stuff to the fax (even though it's outside HER door, and halfway down the hall from my cube).


Anyway... since I have to deal with her again today, I don't want to get worked up again...

Tonight I might be meeting up with Melody, but haven't heard a confirm yet (Mel?). Then I need to work on some stuff for the JournalCon website.

I'm going insane...

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