06 April 2005

Temporary panic

(from an email received today... slightly edited for confidentiality)

Dear Melissa~
Please contact us in HR today in regards to your recent questions about childcare services. We have a list of referenced and well-recommended nannies in the local area, and will be happy to assist in arranging for daily care for your child."

Um.... Mew?

Apparently HR knows something I don't... I realize we've been doing the whole engagement-buying a house thing fairly quickly here, but that other little bundle of surprises (literally) is being cautiously prevented for now. Thanks.

Granted... due to not being caffeinated yet, it took me about a minute to realize the message was not for me, but for my name twin in the email system who happens to live over in the U.K.



*forehead slap*

~ Mel.

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