07 April 2005

Because my June wasn't busy enough...

A little blue and white envelope with "YOUR CIVIC DUTY" showed up this morning.


Technically, I'll have moved out of state by the date of my jury duty summons. BUT... the card has to be returned within 10 days, and we won't have closed on the house yet... so I can't legally claim disqualification due to moving out of Norfolk County... YET.

Getting fined for not showing up for jury duty isn't my idea of a swell way to spend time or money, so I checked off that I'm qualified. No postponing it. No delaying it. I'll show up. Sit my ass on the linoleum floor with the rest of the folks (at least it's summer-- so hopefully no grime on the floors) and get some reading done.

Unless something drastic happens, I will have moved to Rhode Island with no problem and be disqualified for service on account of having moved out of state. But I will have showed up as required as a U.S. citizen.

And if not, it's trial jury in a county court. If I get paneled, *shrug* okay.

It's still better than the effing GRAND JURY summons I got four years ago.

This? This I can handle.

but Erich still teased me about getting the envelope, and I responded with the appropriate wincing.

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