Has been found. Was in plain view in front of my office phone. Needs battery recharge.
End of line.
29 April 2005
28 April 2005
Two announcements...
1) For those who know my cell phone number, don't bother calling it for the foreseeable future. I've misplaced it and can't find the fucking thing. I hope to recover it by the end of the weekend.
2) I received a friendship book back in the mail today via my father. When I saw it addressed to "Measi Kent" on the envelope, I was intrigued... as I haven't swapped under that name since high school.
Sure enough, it was an FB that I made for myself when I was 16. It took FOURTEEN YEARS to get home. Impressive, eh? Granted-- it hit 20 countries (none being the USA) along that route.
2) I received a friendship book back in the mail today via my father. When I saw it addressed to "Measi Kent" on the envelope, I was intrigued... as I haven't swapped under that name since high school.
Sure enough, it was an FB that I made for myself when I was 16. It took FOURTEEN YEARS to get home. Impressive, eh? Granted-- it hit 20 countries (none being the USA) along that route.
Well, one plan is solved...
Yesterday morning, I replied to some comments in my last entry regarding flowers. A couple of votes for bright red flowers were expressed-- and I commented how they'd be strongly considered for along the sunny side of the house and along the driveway. Possibly some bright red day lillies, tulips, etc. Color is good. Bright colors are very good.
But for the front of the house, where there's a big space, I need a shrubbery. Something nice. Not too expensive. I'll attempt the two layer effect with the path going down the middle...
[/Python invocation]
Anyway... since moving to New England, I've fallen in love with a particular... shrubbery... which grows amazingly well around here and just looks spectacular - blue hydrangeas. They grow into huge bushes here with huge pom-poms of flowers that are six inches across. Depending on the acidity of the soil, they turn different colors, too. The less acidic, the flowers turn pink. Or even white. The more common variety that's been grown around New England turn white.
But down on Cape Cod and in Rhode Island, where the soil is sandier, blue ones come out easier. Usually in a shade of lilac, like these:
While I doubt mine would get that many blooms, even a few blooms with those big poms would be striking against the white house.
So getting back to the beginning of my entry... the irony comes up yesterday morning shortly after I reply to my comments. I go grab a cup of coffee in the kitchen, come back to my desk, and see a large paper bag tied with raffia on my chair. From Winston Flowers, which is one of the very posh florists in the area. I open the bag, sift through the tissue paper, and broke into a big smile.
Linda bought me a potted hydrangea. Similar to this, but a single stem. With a big bright blue (true blue-- not purple) pom that's actually bigger than the pot.
She bought it for Secretaries Day (which was yesterday), but also as a congrats on the new house. Really-- how could she have known?
Last night I talked to my mom, and mentioned how I hope I can keep this one alive to get it planted outside. Mom thought it was a great idea, and mentioned that she would bring up a potted one -- also blue -- that she has currently in her Florida room. And then when I get into the house, I can plant both of them. :) While Linda gave me the one sitting next to me on my desk, I'll plant it for my grandma.
We're not in the house, and already I have things that will give me little "thinking of you" moments ready to go.
Is it mid-June yet?
But for the front of the house, where there's a big space, I need a shrubbery. Something nice. Not too expensive. I'll attempt the two layer effect with the path going down the middle...
[/Python invocation]
Anyway... since moving to New England, I've fallen in love with a particular... shrubbery... which grows amazingly well around here and just looks spectacular - blue hydrangeas. They grow into huge bushes here with huge pom-poms of flowers that are six inches across. Depending on the acidity of the soil, they turn different colors, too. The less acidic, the flowers turn pink. Or even white. The more common variety that's been grown around New England turn white.
But down on Cape Cod and in Rhode Island, where the soil is sandier, blue ones come out easier. Usually in a shade of lilac, like these:
While I doubt mine would get that many blooms, even a few blooms with those big poms would be striking against the white house.
So getting back to the beginning of my entry... the irony comes up yesterday morning shortly after I reply to my comments. I go grab a cup of coffee in the kitchen, come back to my desk, and see a large paper bag tied with raffia on my chair. From Winston Flowers, which is one of the very posh florists in the area. I open the bag, sift through the tissue paper, and broke into a big smile.
Linda bought me a potted hydrangea. Similar to this, but a single stem. With a big bright blue (true blue-- not purple) pom that's actually bigger than the pot.
She bought it for Secretaries Day (which was yesterday), but also as a congrats on the new house. Really-- how could she have known?
Last night I talked to my mom, and mentioned how I hope I can keep this one alive to get it planted outside. Mom thought it was a great idea, and mentioned that she would bring up a potted one -- also blue -- that she has currently in her Florida room. And then when I get into the house, I can plant both of them. :) While Linda gave me the one sitting next to me on my desk, I'll plant it for my grandma.
We're not in the house, and already I have things that will give me little "thinking of you" moments ready to go.
Is it mid-June yet?
26 April 2005
It's not sinking in
It took forty-five minutes this morning. And I personally only signed one sheet of paper. Erich signed the stack. The flurry of paper moving around the table was amazing.
And then all of a sudden, we were done. We shook hands around the table, and stood there stunned. We bought a house.
That was a bit less than twelve hours ago. It hasn't sunk in yet. It probably won't until we're standing in the doorway, cat carrier in hand.
We spent some time exploring parts of Providence, but by around 2 p.m. both of us were ready to just crash out, exhausted from the emotional jitters. Before leaving Rhode Island, though, we drove by the house... and as we did, I noted to Erich that he's the owner of that house now.
Scary, isn't it?
We're exhausted. We're scared as hell. But we're happy. And we can't wait to get in there. :)
*does an excited happy dance*
And then all of a sudden, we were done. We shook hands around the table, and stood there stunned. We bought a house.
That was a bit less than twelve hours ago. It hasn't sunk in yet. It probably won't until we're standing in the doorway, cat carrier in hand.
We spent some time exploring parts of Providence, but by around 2 p.m. both of us were ready to just crash out, exhausted from the emotional jitters. Before leaving Rhode Island, though, we drove by the house... and as we did, I noted to Erich that he's the owner of that house now.
Scary, isn't it?
We're exhausted. We're scared as hell. But we're happy. And we can't wait to get in there. :)
*does an excited happy dance*
25 April 2005
Two quick observations
Observation #1:
Regardless of how short-lived it is going to be, seeing a checking account balance with a five digit number is amazing. But I'm already in mourning, because I sense it will never happen again in my lifetime.
Observation #2:
In twenty-four hours, Erich and I will be signing a ton of papers that will bring us into that unknown - and as of only six weeks ago unobtainable - realm known as Home Owners.
Pinch me.
Regardless of how short-lived it is going to be, seeing a checking account balance with a five digit number is amazing. But I'm already in mourning, because I sense it will never happen again in my lifetime.
Observation #2:
In twenty-four hours, Erich and I will be signing a ton of papers that will bring us into that unknown - and as of only six weeks ago unobtainable - realm known as Home Owners.
Pinch me.
22 April 2005
Key fumbling, and unset memories of it
I've had an odd yearning lately to sit in a warm, sun-lit room in bare feet and cotton pj's, letting my fingers roll over white and black ivory keys, meandering through rhythms and pieces I still have burned in memory from childhood... or trying something new.
I miss music. I miss playing music. It's been seven years since I've picked up my clarinet. Even longer in regards to a viola. Piano? I tinkered around a bit during the Christmas From Hell two years back, but otherwise haven't played since college. While I can still read treble and bass clefs just fine, I honestly don't know if I'd remember how to read an alto clef.
It's funny-- a few weeks ago, I made some passing reference to getting a piano for the Florida room. Not that we can afford one right now, unless I find one at an estate consignment (which is possible, but will require me to scout for it-- getting rid of an old upright piano is a chore). And Erich comments how he didn't even know I played the piano.
That made me pause for a moment-- because it seems so strange to me that the man I share my life with didn't know that. Even if I haven't been playing for years, music has been such a strong point of my life since I was in grade school. I guess I just assume (incorrectly, obviously) that everyone I'm close friends with has known this. Friends from grade school blend into high school into college into Boston life post-college into now. Particularly when so many people now are blended from my stages of friendships. The Boston University grads will joke about something, and Erich will get confused-- and it takes everyone a few minutes to realize that he didn't know any of us then, so he has no idea what we're talking about.
Maybe it's springtime that's making me yearn for some "key fumbling." Part of it is remembering my days of practicing on the piano in my dad's basement, trying desperately hard not to press too firmly on the keys. I never wanted to let anyone hear my mistakes-- especially my brother, who teased constantly. The idea of someone hearing my mistakes terrified me for some reason. Perfectionism to a fault, perhaps?
In any case, I miss it. I want to be able to putter on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and the mock-ivory, bouncing the opening riff of Piano Man or rolling through a minuet by Mozart. I hope to get a piano some day. I feel like it will happen someday-- perhaps I'm simply seeing memories that aren't yet set.
I miss music. I miss playing music. It's been seven years since I've picked up my clarinet. Even longer in regards to a viola. Piano? I tinkered around a bit during the Christmas From Hell two years back, but otherwise haven't played since college. While I can still read treble and bass clefs just fine, I honestly don't know if I'd remember how to read an alto clef.
It's funny-- a few weeks ago, I made some passing reference to getting a piano for the Florida room. Not that we can afford one right now, unless I find one at an estate consignment (which is possible, but will require me to scout for it-- getting rid of an old upright piano is a chore). And Erich comments how he didn't even know I played the piano.
That made me pause for a moment-- because it seems so strange to me that the man I share my life with didn't know that. Even if I haven't been playing for years, music has been such a strong point of my life since I was in grade school. I guess I just assume (incorrectly, obviously) that everyone I'm close friends with has known this. Friends from grade school blend into high school into college into Boston life post-college into now. Particularly when so many people now are blended from my stages of friendships. The Boston University grads will joke about something, and Erich will get confused-- and it takes everyone a few minutes to realize that he didn't know any of us then, so he has no idea what we're talking about.
Maybe it's springtime that's making me yearn for some "key fumbling." Part of it is remembering my days of practicing on the piano in my dad's basement, trying desperately hard not to press too firmly on the keys. I never wanted to let anyone hear my mistakes-- especially my brother, who teased constantly. The idea of someone hearing my mistakes terrified me for some reason. Perfectionism to a fault, perhaps?
In any case, I miss it. I want to be able to putter on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and the mock-ivory, bouncing the opening riff of Piano Man or rolling through a minuet by Mozart. I hope to get a piano some day. I feel like it will happen someday-- perhaps I'm simply seeing memories that aren't yet set.
21 April 2005
Yet another sign that we were separated five months apart at birth
It was actually hot outside yesterday-- mid to upper 80's (depending on where you were), and none too comfy in the non-A/C'ed Jeep on the way home. Still, I enjoyed it. Spring exploded by yesterday evening-- all of those trees that were just on the verge of popping leaves now have. Which was good, because driving to work yesterday as the thermometer in my Jeep read "75" but seeing almost completely bare trees was a bit weird. It was weirder around lunch when it was 85 degrees as I hurried back down the Pike from the mall.
It should never be 85 degrees with bare trees. It makes the region look like it was in a forest fire.
Still, it was a nice little hint of summer. Around 10 p.m. last night a cold front literally blew in, dropping the temperature outside down around fifteen degrees in the course of about twenty minutes. It was chilly outside this morning, but everything's relative-- four days ago, mid 50's would have felt quite nice. After yesterday, it's frigid.
My allergies are reminding me of yesterday, too. All morning I've been sniffly and dealing with some weather-induced hives. My antihistamines aren't kicking in quite right. I'm hoping that with some regular meds intake, it'll balance out.
Since it was so warm yesterday, the interest in working past around 4 p.m. waned quickly, and I began surfing the web to look at wedding dresses for the hell of it. I fell in love with a dress I saw and wanted to think about it for a few minutes. So I took a walk to the pop machine. And as I was walking back, I had this nagging urge that I'd seen the dress before, and that something was wrong.
I finally realized why, and wanted to confirm my suspicions with a certain other blogger (*cough* WestCoastMel *cough*) who shares my webspace, who's getting married a month before me.
Really now, what's the chance of it? With all of the choices of wedding dresses out there? Okay, even technically in the plus-size wedding dress department (which I guarantee to all of the skinny girls is MUCH more limited than yours).
So no... can't use that one. In my opinion, that falls along the same code of conduct rules as "don't date the ex of your best friend."
More looking will comence. I have some ideas. Nothing has called out to me as THE ONE, though. Which is probably a good thing. I can keep looking. Right now I'm thinking along the lines of (to any women for whom this makes sense)... an a-line dress (modified or traditional a-line). Sweetheart cut neckline (I have the boobs to pull it off). Some sort of sleeve-- because I do have heavy upper arms. I don't need a long train, but wouldn't object to one for the ceremony and pictures, provided that it can be either detached or bundled somehow in the dress.
And I'm leaning ivory over white.
Oh-- and for family tradition, I do want to do a mantilla veil. My mother was married in one. I'm hoping, actually, that hers is still around and intact-- because it would also fit the "something borrowed" idea. Plus really, it's the only thing I could borrow from my mom, who weighed a whopping 95 pounds when she was married. (no, really-- and it's disturbing that I'm not too shy of three times my mom's weight at that point).
Thus ends my wedding dress thoughts of the day.
It should never be 85 degrees with bare trees. It makes the region look like it was in a forest fire.
Still, it was a nice little hint of summer. Around 10 p.m. last night a cold front literally blew in, dropping the temperature outside down around fifteen degrees in the course of about twenty minutes. It was chilly outside this morning, but everything's relative-- four days ago, mid 50's would have felt quite nice. After yesterday, it's frigid.
My allergies are reminding me of yesterday, too. All morning I've been sniffly and dealing with some weather-induced hives. My antihistamines aren't kicking in quite right. I'm hoping that with some regular meds intake, it'll balance out.
Since it was so warm yesterday, the interest in working past around 4 p.m. waned quickly, and I began surfing the web to look at wedding dresses for the hell of it. I fell in love with a dress I saw and wanted to think about it for a few minutes. So I took a walk to the pop machine. And as I was walking back, I had this nagging urge that I'd seen the dress before, and that something was wrong.
I finally realized why, and wanted to confirm my suspicions with a certain other blogger (*cough* WestCoastMel *cough*) who shares my webspace, who's getting married a month before me.
Really now, what's the chance of it? With all of the choices of wedding dresses out there? Okay, even technically in the plus-size wedding dress department (which I guarantee to all of the skinny girls is MUCH more limited than yours).
So no... can't use that one. In my opinion, that falls along the same code of conduct rules as "don't date the ex of your best friend."
More looking will comence. I have some ideas. Nothing has called out to me as THE ONE, though. Which is probably a good thing. I can keep looking. Right now I'm thinking along the lines of (to any women for whom this makes sense)... an a-line dress (modified or traditional a-line). Sweetheart cut neckline (I have the boobs to pull it off). Some sort of sleeve-- because I do have heavy upper arms. I don't need a long train, but wouldn't object to one for the ceremony and pictures, provided that it can be either detached or bundled somehow in the dress.
And I'm leaning ivory over white.
Oh-- and for family tradition, I do want to do a mantilla veil. My mother was married in one. I'm hoping, actually, that hers is still around and intact-- because it would also fit the "something borrowed" idea. Plus really, it's the only thing I could borrow from my mom, who weighed a whopping 95 pounds when she was married. (no, really-- and it's disturbing that I'm not too shy of three times my mom's weight at that point).
Thus ends my wedding dress thoughts of the day.
19 April 2005
Changing timetables, and freaking out
Warning-- annoyed rant (with some resolution) ahead...
Around 4:30 yesterday, I was gathering my things at work... getting ready to go home and enjoy some of the beautiful weather. My phone rang-- our buyer's agent was calling regarding the closing next week.
Apparently the lawyer we'd hired to be there for the closing is going to be out of town next Friday, and apparently it's okay to move the closing up... so how about Monday?
insert Mel panicking here
continue to panic
Mind you, it's not that I would mind closing early... except that we've had arrangements made with my mother, with our workplaces, with our insuring agent, that everything would be done on Friday. Mom's wiring the money to me either tomorrow afternoon or Thursday for the closing. If it needed to go to Erich's account directly, then it becomes a bit of an issue to get the draft of the cashier's check by Monday, as his bank is not local. This concerns me, because all of the funding for the closing is currently in my mom's bank account, not ours. AND... my mom's in Florida, not at home.
Panic rises.
Then there's the issue of getting time off on Monday. While I know my boss wouldn't be too bad about it, I can't exactly ask her-- she's on vacation all week with her kids since Massachusetts schools are on one of their plethora of vacation weeks. If we were to have the closing on Monday, she'll be getting back to work after a week away and won't have me there to get through the panic attacks. It's not a good showing for me.
Erich getting off of work, when he's already struggled to fix his schedule, is another story. He doesn't have the leniency that I do.
And then there's the extreme annoyance at this lawyer. We arranged this last fucking month. Now all of a sudden he'll be out of town? And he doesn't bother to call us. Our agent calls us. What the fuck is up with that?
So I'm pissed. And worried. I call Erich, leave a rather upset message, and then head home, hoping that Erich gets my message since it's almost 5 p.m. and this is an issue that has to be dealt with right away. Since he's the only one on the mortgage, I'm a bit powerless in all of this. He's somewhere in transit along the MBTA to get home, and I don't have my cell phone. Dealing with the typical Massholes on the highway just serves to intensify my mood.
I get home, and Jason's there to get his mail, switch the phone bill back over to our name (since it had been in his to get his license changed to Mass.) and probably attempt to have purry time with Gus (who he should know by now won't just sit there and purr for him on command). Erich's on hold with the phone guys, so I ask him if he got my message. He said no, but he's talked to our agent, so he already knew what I was asking about. Then he gets pulled back onto the line.
So I'm plunking down in my computer chair, trying to get my breath and composure, venting about the whole situation. And I'm pissed. Really pissed. I feel like we've been given a bit of a bait-and-switch with this lawyer, and I'm scared that we could lose the house because right now every cent of the closing money is in my mother's account. How I'm feeling rushed and have been uneasy about the entire process (read= some remanants of buyers remorse). I'm venting. I'm stressed. I'm scared. Because I don't want to lose this house.
And rather than be supportive or calming, Jason (unsurprisingly) takes his santimonious self-righteous route, being so incredibly condescending that he's just fueling me more. How maybe I should have thought about this earlier, etcetera. And I practially spat back at him that there are some things that we couldn't possibly have realized coming into this. We're fucking first time buyers-- we're not experts at this, and no offense, but he was overstepping his bounds here, given the fact that he's never been in this situation.
Oh, but in Jason's mind, of COURSE he knows what it's like. Because he's talked to friends who have bought their first houses. Clearly that is enough (in his mind, anyway), to qualify him to know what it's like. Therefore he's a fucking expert on it. Riiight. I called him on being condescending, which he denied (he always does). And I'm even more pissed now than when I walked in the door, because now I've got a "who the FUCK does he think he is?" riding around in my head.
Mind you, there's a reason we've been asking our mothers-- both of whom are fucking real estate agents themselves, for advice on house matters. Aside from some recommendations for insurance agents in the area and things that are local-related, the hosue matters have gone through our parents, who have professional experience on this. AND, given that they're our parents (and helping to finance this), we know that we can trust their judgement on this.
Thankfully, Jason scooted out of there quickly. Which was good, because I was shortly going to be telling him to leave. My tolerance of self-important strutting is down to about nil right now-- both at work and at home. It was seriously bad timing. I over-reacted, but his behavior definitely was not helping.
Erich called our agent, and apparently Tuesday and Wednesday could work as well for the closing. So on that end, at least, it's up to Erich. He's the one with the trickier schedule to deal with. I can work around it a bit at least. It's going to make things a bit more frustrating with my scheduling here, but I'll deal.
A call to our mortgage broker this morning solved the money wiring problem-- the money can be wired to me, and I can write a gift letter to Erich, as I'm his fiancé. We'll have gift letters from my parents to me as backup documentation, just in case. My bank is local (and open on Sunday), so if we need to draft the cashier's check this weekend for a Monday closing, it can be done.
So now it's Erich's schedule... and then we'll see what's going to happen.
I need a drink. A really big one that will give me a hangover.
Around 4:30 yesterday, I was gathering my things at work... getting ready to go home and enjoy some of the beautiful weather. My phone rang-- our buyer's agent was calling regarding the closing next week.
Apparently the lawyer we'd hired to be there for the closing is going to be out of town next Friday, and apparently it's okay to move the closing up... so how about Monday?
insert Mel panicking here
continue to panic
Mind you, it's not that I would mind closing early... except that we've had arrangements made with my mother, with our workplaces, with our insuring agent, that everything would be done on Friday. Mom's wiring the money to me either tomorrow afternoon or Thursday for the closing. If it needed to go to Erich's account directly, then it becomes a bit of an issue to get the draft of the cashier's check by Monday, as his bank is not local. This concerns me, because all of the funding for the closing is currently in my mom's bank account, not ours. AND... my mom's in Florida, not at home.
Panic rises.
Then there's the issue of getting time off on Monday. While I know my boss wouldn't be too bad about it, I can't exactly ask her-- she's on vacation all week with her kids since Massachusetts schools are on one of their plethora of vacation weeks. If we were to have the closing on Monday, she'll be getting back to work after a week away and won't have me there to get through the panic attacks. It's not a good showing for me.
Erich getting off of work, when he's already struggled to fix his schedule, is another story. He doesn't have the leniency that I do.
And then there's the extreme annoyance at this lawyer. We arranged this last fucking month. Now all of a sudden he'll be out of town? And he doesn't bother to call us. Our agent calls us. What the fuck is up with that?
So I'm pissed. And worried. I call Erich, leave a rather upset message, and then head home, hoping that Erich gets my message since it's almost 5 p.m. and this is an issue that has to be dealt with right away. Since he's the only one on the mortgage, I'm a bit powerless in all of this. He's somewhere in transit along the MBTA to get home, and I don't have my cell phone. Dealing with the typical Massholes on the highway just serves to intensify my mood.
I get home, and Jason's there to get his mail, switch the phone bill back over to our name (since it had been in his to get his license changed to Mass.) and probably attempt to have purry time with Gus (who he should know by now won't just sit there and purr for him on command). Erich's on hold with the phone guys, so I ask him if he got my message. He said no, but he's talked to our agent, so he already knew what I was asking about. Then he gets pulled back onto the line.
So I'm plunking down in my computer chair, trying to get my breath and composure, venting about the whole situation. And I'm pissed. Really pissed. I feel like we've been given a bit of a bait-and-switch with this lawyer, and I'm scared that we could lose the house because right now every cent of the closing money is in my mother's account. How I'm feeling rushed and have been uneasy about the entire process (read= some remanants of buyers remorse). I'm venting. I'm stressed. I'm scared. Because I don't want to lose this house.
And rather than be supportive or calming, Jason (unsurprisingly) takes his santimonious self-righteous route, being so incredibly condescending that he's just fueling me more. How maybe I should have thought about this earlier, etcetera. And I practially spat back at him that there are some things that we couldn't possibly have realized coming into this. We're fucking first time buyers-- we're not experts at this, and no offense, but he was overstepping his bounds here, given the fact that he's never been in this situation.
Oh, but in Jason's mind, of COURSE he knows what it's like. Because he's talked to friends who have bought their first houses. Clearly that is enough (in his mind, anyway), to qualify him to know what it's like. Therefore he's a fucking expert on it. Riiight. I called him on being condescending, which he denied (he always does). And I'm even more pissed now than when I walked in the door, because now I've got a "who the FUCK does he think he is?" riding around in my head.
Mind you, there's a reason we've been asking our mothers-- both of whom are fucking real estate agents themselves, for advice on house matters. Aside from some recommendations for insurance agents in the area and things that are local-related, the hosue matters have gone through our parents, who have professional experience on this. AND, given that they're our parents (and helping to finance this), we know that we can trust their judgement on this.
Thankfully, Jason scooted out of there quickly. Which was good, because I was shortly going to be telling him to leave. My tolerance of self-important strutting is down to about nil right now-- both at work and at home. It was seriously bad timing. I over-reacted, but his behavior definitely was not helping.
Erich called our agent, and apparently Tuesday and Wednesday could work as well for the closing. So on that end, at least, it's up to Erich. He's the one with the trickier schedule to deal with. I can work around it a bit at least. It's going to make things a bit more frustrating with my scheduling here, but I'll deal.
A call to our mortgage broker this morning solved the money wiring problem-- the money can be wired to me, and I can write a gift letter to Erich, as I'm his fiancé. We'll have gift letters from my parents to me as backup documentation, just in case. My bank is local (and open on Sunday), so if we need to draft the cashier's check this weekend for a Monday closing, it can be done.
So now it's Erich's schedule... and then we'll see what's going to happen.
I need a drink. A really big one that will give me a hangover.
A day of anniversaries...
Ten years ago this morning, a sunny morning in Oklahoma City was shattered with a horrifying explosion. The nation watched in horror at the scene of open offices, papers fluttering into the sky. Of people being led away, coated in blood.
And perhaps the most burning, stomach-turning image of all... of a firefighter carrying the body of a toddler from the rubble.
That's what I remember most about the news from that day-- that horrible image.
April 19, 1995 was a wake-up call for the United States. Terrorism isn't something that just happens overseas. It happens here. By our own people. The attack on the World Trade Center in '93 didn't quite click with people because it didn't do enough damage. The attacks on abortion clinics (and the doctors that performed them) wasn't enough.
Oklahoma City got people's attention. For a little while, at least. But did we learn anything?
Does America care about its domestic terrorism problems? They happen every day, after all.
On this date in 1982, Sally Ride was announced as the first woman astronaut. On the same day, Guinon Bluford was announced as the first African-American astronaut.
Apparently NASA finally took its head out of its collective white male ass.
In 1971, Charles Manson received his life sentence for the Sharon Tate murder that has made him so infamous.
In 1966, Roberta Gibb became the first woman to run the full Boston Marathon. She ran without a number, hiding in the bushes until just before the race started. Katherine Switzer, normally credited with being the first woman, was actually the first woman who ran with a number (which she got by not identifying herself as female on her application form) in 1967. In that year, a photo of a man trying to drag her out of the race was taken. At that time, it was considered too dangerous for women's reproductive health for them to run long distance.
In 1951, General Douglas MacArthur retired from military service. Have you studied the career of Gen. MacArthur? You should.
In 1946, the ABC network went on the air. On the same day, Chiang Kai Shek was elected president of China. That, of course, did not last long.
In 1943, Jews of the Warsaw ghetto revolted against their Nazi oppressors following an attempt by the SS to destroy the ghetto.
In 1939, Connecticut finally approved the Bill of Rights-- 148 years after it was ratified. Apparently someone missed the original memo.
In 1933, FDR announced that the United States would be taken off the gold standard.
In 1897, the first Boston Marathon was won by John McDermott of New York in 2:55:10.
For time reference, yesterday (April 18, 2005), the winners of the Boston Marathon were...
Men's Open: Hailu Negussie (Ethiopia), 2:11:45
Women's Open: Catherine Ndereba (Kenya), 2:25:13
Men's Masters: Joshua Kipkemboi (Kenya), 2:19:28
Women's Masters: Madina Biktagirova (Russia), 2:32:41
Men's Push Rim Wheelchair: Ernst Van Dyk (South Africa), 1:24:11
Women's Push Rim Wheelchair: Cheri Blauwet (United States), 1:47:45
In 1775, the Shot Heard Round the World was fired, announcing the historical beginning of the American Revolutionary War in Lexington, Massachusetts. We recognize the beginning of the Revolution here in Massachusetts (and Maine does, as well). If you're in the United States, do you? If not, why not?
Because it is, after all, the day that should be honored by all Americans who claim to be patriotic and proud Americans.
But of course... I'm just a tree-hugging Pagan liberal. What do I know about patriotism or history, right?
And perhaps the most burning, stomach-turning image of all... of a firefighter carrying the body of a toddler from the rubble.
That's what I remember most about the news from that day-- that horrible image.
April 19, 1995 was a wake-up call for the United States. Terrorism isn't something that just happens overseas. It happens here. By our own people. The attack on the World Trade Center in '93 didn't quite click with people because it didn't do enough damage. The attacks on abortion clinics (and the doctors that performed them) wasn't enough.
Oklahoma City got people's attention. For a little while, at least. But did we learn anything?
Does America care about its domestic terrorism problems? They happen every day, after all.
On this date in 1982, Sally Ride was announced as the first woman astronaut. On the same day, Guinon Bluford was announced as the first African-American astronaut.
Apparently NASA finally took its head out of its collective white male ass.
In 1971, Charles Manson received his life sentence for the Sharon Tate murder that has made him so infamous.
In 1966, Roberta Gibb became the first woman to run the full Boston Marathon. She ran without a number, hiding in the bushes until just before the race started. Katherine Switzer, normally credited with being the first woman, was actually the first woman who ran with a number (which she got by not identifying herself as female on her application form) in 1967. In that year, a photo of a man trying to drag her out of the race was taken. At that time, it was considered too dangerous for women's reproductive health for them to run long distance.
In 1951, General Douglas MacArthur retired from military service. Have you studied the career of Gen. MacArthur? You should.
In 1946, the ABC network went on the air. On the same day, Chiang Kai Shek was elected president of China. That, of course, did not last long.
In 1943, Jews of the Warsaw ghetto revolted against their Nazi oppressors following an attempt by the SS to destroy the ghetto.
In 1939, Connecticut finally approved the Bill of Rights-- 148 years after it was ratified. Apparently someone missed the original memo.
In 1933, FDR announced that the United States would be taken off the gold standard.
In 1897, the first Boston Marathon was won by John McDermott of New York in 2:55:10.
For time reference, yesterday (April 18, 2005), the winners of the Boston Marathon were...
Men's Open: Hailu Negussie (Ethiopia), 2:11:45
Women's Open: Catherine Ndereba (Kenya), 2:25:13
Men's Masters: Joshua Kipkemboi (Kenya), 2:19:28
Women's Masters: Madina Biktagirova (Russia), 2:32:41
Men's Push Rim Wheelchair: Ernst Van Dyk (South Africa), 1:24:11
Women's Push Rim Wheelchair: Cheri Blauwet (United States), 1:47:45
In 1775, the Shot Heard Round the World was fired, announcing the historical beginning of the American Revolutionary War in Lexington, Massachusetts. We recognize the beginning of the Revolution here in Massachusetts (and Maine does, as well). If you're in the United States, do you? If not, why not?
Because it is, after all, the day that should be honored by all Americans who claim to be patriotic and proud Americans.
But of course... I'm just a tree-hugging Pagan liberal. What do I know about patriotism or history, right?
17 April 2005
Why the hell haven't I posted this?
Computer geeking
Erich got home at 7 a.m. this morning. Apparently they played D&D until 6 a.m., and then he decided to come home and crash.
Of course, thanks to my wonderful sleeping habits, when he got home, I woke up. Granted, it was a nice way to wake up-- to a hugging fiance and a very loudly purring cat flopped between us (that would be Gus, who has the most delicious cat purr ever).
But I was up. At seven on a Sunday. Oh yeah-- I went to bed at 2 a.m. last night. So this wasn't a good thing.
All things considered, I've done okay today despite the lack of sleep. The only thing I decided not to do was drive up to Boston to the TBS meeting tonight. I'm a bit too wonky to drive safely on the autoban that is I-93. Plus, they're having elections tonight, and really-- it's something the chapter needs to do without alumni there.
It was an absolutely beautiful day out today-- somewhere in the mid 60's, bright sunshine. The windows and sliding glass door have been open all day to get the fresh air in. My allergies be dammed. I'll deal with them to enjoy the smell of spring.
We went to see Sahara for the early matinee. It's a popcorn flick. The one that you'd go to see to escape the summer heat, but not one that's an absolute must-see. We had fun. It's goofy and a bit too over the top, but still not too bad.
Randolph Dairy Barn was open today, so after the movie, we swung by to grab cones (vanilla and orange swirl... yum!). Everyone else in town seemed to be there, too.
And the best way to end off a sunny afternoon? A comfy, lazy nap. Erich's still in bed. He only got about 4 hours of sleep himself, so I haven't bothered to wake him up. I probably will around 7, though. Otherwise he won't sleep tonight.
The only frustrating thing today was working on my web pages. I have a new template all ready to go. I want to tie everything together, rather than have the hodge podge of graphics that are currently on there. I purchased a customized version of Autumn Splendor and wanted to get it up today.
The problem is that the link buttons on the top aren't individual buttons-- they're part of the header graphic. SO... now I need to learn how to do a sitemap for linking, so that the links go in the right place. I am going to contact the designer to see if she has one already set up. It's a bit annoying because generally customized link buttons are individual graphics. It makes it very easy to get a site up and running. Not this time. *sigh*
And then on top of that, I did figure out how to install WordPress so I don't have to rely on the posting delays with Blogger for my journal. BUT-- the newest version of WordPress works with something called "themes" rather than onto HTML pages. So I have yet more to figure out. (joy)
SO I may be waiting on a lot of that until after the house move. It's not a priority. I may find a freebie graphic set to use until then, and once we're settled in the house, start really messing with graphic stuff. I have to let something slide here, I think.
But I'm annoyed. Between the JournalCon pages and my own pages, I'm realizing how far behind my web skills are now. I've been able to skirt by making pages on my own, but I think I'm just at that point where my skills are simply too limited for the current markup language.
Classes are in my future, I believe. I'll have to see if there are any through work.
In any case, if anyone DOES know their way around coding sitemap links or adapting WordPress to an existing template, let me know-- seriously... monetary funding will happily be discussed.
~ Mel.
Of course, thanks to my wonderful sleeping habits, when he got home, I woke up. Granted, it was a nice way to wake up-- to a hugging fiance and a very loudly purring cat flopped between us (that would be Gus, who has the most delicious cat purr ever).
But I was up. At seven on a Sunday. Oh yeah-- I went to bed at 2 a.m. last night. So this wasn't a good thing.
All things considered, I've done okay today despite the lack of sleep. The only thing I decided not to do was drive up to Boston to the TBS meeting tonight. I'm a bit too wonky to drive safely on the autoban that is I-93. Plus, they're having elections tonight, and really-- it's something the chapter needs to do without alumni there.
It was an absolutely beautiful day out today-- somewhere in the mid 60's, bright sunshine. The windows and sliding glass door have been open all day to get the fresh air in. My allergies be dammed. I'll deal with them to enjoy the smell of spring.
We went to see Sahara for the early matinee. It's a popcorn flick. The one that you'd go to see to escape the summer heat, but not one that's an absolute must-see. We had fun. It's goofy and a bit too over the top, but still not too bad.
Randolph Dairy Barn was open today, so after the movie, we swung by to grab cones (vanilla and orange swirl... yum!). Everyone else in town seemed to be there, too.
And the best way to end off a sunny afternoon? A comfy, lazy nap. Erich's still in bed. He only got about 4 hours of sleep himself, so I haven't bothered to wake him up. I probably will around 7, though. Otherwise he won't sleep tonight.
The only frustrating thing today was working on my web pages. I have a new template all ready to go. I want to tie everything together, rather than have the hodge podge of graphics that are currently on there. I purchased a customized version of Autumn Splendor and wanted to get it up today.
The problem is that the link buttons on the top aren't individual buttons-- they're part of the header graphic. SO... now I need to learn how to do a sitemap for linking, so that the links go in the right place. I am going to contact the designer to see if she has one already set up. It's a bit annoying because generally customized link buttons are individual graphics. It makes it very easy to get a site up and running. Not this time. *sigh*
And then on top of that, I did figure out how to install WordPress so I don't have to rely on the posting delays with Blogger for my journal. BUT-- the newest version of WordPress works with something called "themes" rather than onto HTML pages. So I have yet more to figure out. (joy)
SO I may be waiting on a lot of that until after the house move. It's not a priority. I may find a freebie graphic set to use until then, and once we're settled in the house, start really messing with graphic stuff. I have to let something slide here, I think.
But I'm annoyed. Between the JournalCon pages and my own pages, I'm realizing how far behind my web skills are now. I've been able to skirt by making pages on my own, but I think I'm just at that point where my skills are simply too limited for the current markup language.
Classes are in my future, I believe. I'll have to see if there are any through work.
In any case, if anyone DOES know their way around coding sitemap links or adapting WordPress to an existing template, let me know-- seriously... monetary funding will happily be discussed.
~ Mel.
16 April 2005
A day alone
I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to have it be past 7 p.m., light outside (with sunbeams as the sun sets!!) and have it warm enough that I can keep the sliding glass door to our balcony open to allow fresh air in.
No idea.
And it's going to be in the mid-70's tomorrow. Pinch me.
It's been a nice, relaxing day by myself today. Erich left to head to Providence around 10:30. He took the camera so he could take pictures around the house (so I know what kinds of flowers might be coming up, now that we're at daffodil and the start of tulip time). He won't be home until probably 2 a.m. or so-- if he decides to drive home tonight.
So I've had a day to putter. And putter I have. I went up to Arlington to Cross Stitch Unlimited, where I resisted the urge to blow all of my paycheck. I picked up the metallic threads I need for the freebie Elemental Dragons from Dragon Dreams (and ordered the three that I haven't been able to find). They had copies of two limited edition (to 1000 total copies) pieces that I snatched up, and a downright adorable (and funny) sampler called Mirror Mirror by Abbey Lane Designs.
Because I don't have enough stuff listed in my stash yet, you know... *sigh*
Anyway, the shopping trip was a very comfortable $37. I can swing that. But really, it's such a kick-ass shop. I hadn't been there in years-- I think the last time I was there was probably with Ivanna back in '96 when I bought the leaflet for The Castle.
After leaving the stitch store, I decided to take a small drive up Route 4 since it was such a beautiful day. I drove through Arlington Heights and up through Lexington-- past the Battle Green that will be absolutely insane on Patriots Day this Monday for the re-enactment of the start of the American Revolutionary War.
I drove home with the radio cranked, windows down. The beautiful weather just seeped into me, and by the time I got home, I felt more alive than I have in months. I think I need to make sure to get out more-- just to get some life into me. I've become too much of a hobbit in the last year or so.
After lunch, I caught up on some dishes and dealt with the very frightening cat box. *shudder* The cats have been worshipping me since.
Minarae called a couple hours ago to discuss JournalCon stuff. Thankfully it wasn't the huge issue that it COULD have been. Missing passwords for logging in to measi.net is a BAD thing.
Shit-- I need to make sure the TBS pages are still accessible.
Anyway... I've sorted all of my stitching stash and made a nifty little Excel workbook with my rotations, projects not yet started, goals, etc. It's quite spiffy. I need to not buy any more kits until I have at least five finishes. Seriously-- I have 40 projects sitting in the wings. It's scary.
Dinner, doing some stitching, and maybe later some penpalling cleanout is in my near future. Oh-- and perhaps some late night journal entry action.
Woo hoo. :)
No idea.
And it's going to be in the mid-70's tomorrow. Pinch me.
It's been a nice, relaxing day by myself today. Erich left to head to Providence around 10:30. He took the camera so he could take pictures around the house (so I know what kinds of flowers might be coming up, now that we're at daffodil and the start of tulip time). He won't be home until probably 2 a.m. or so-- if he decides to drive home tonight.
So I've had a day to putter. And putter I have. I went up to Arlington to Cross Stitch Unlimited, where I resisted the urge to blow all of my paycheck. I picked up the metallic threads I need for the freebie Elemental Dragons from Dragon Dreams (and ordered the three that I haven't been able to find). They had copies of two limited edition (to 1000 total copies) pieces that I snatched up, and a downright adorable (and funny) sampler called Mirror Mirror by Abbey Lane Designs.
Because I don't have enough stuff listed in my stash yet, you know... *sigh*
Anyway, the shopping trip was a very comfortable $37. I can swing that. But really, it's such a kick-ass shop. I hadn't been there in years-- I think the last time I was there was probably with Ivanna back in '96 when I bought the leaflet for The Castle.
After leaving the stitch store, I decided to take a small drive up Route 4 since it was such a beautiful day. I drove through Arlington Heights and up through Lexington-- past the Battle Green that will be absolutely insane on Patriots Day this Monday for the re-enactment of the start of the American Revolutionary War.
I drove home with the radio cranked, windows down. The beautiful weather just seeped into me, and by the time I got home, I felt more alive than I have in months. I think I need to make sure to get out more-- just to get some life into me. I've become too much of a hobbit in the last year or so.
After lunch, I caught up on some dishes and dealt with the very frightening cat box. *shudder* The cats have been worshipping me since.
Minarae called a couple hours ago to discuss JournalCon stuff. Thankfully it wasn't the huge issue that it COULD have been. Missing passwords for logging in to measi.net is a BAD thing.
Shit-- I need to make sure the TBS pages are still accessible.
Anyway... I've sorted all of my stitching stash and made a nifty little Excel workbook with my rotations, projects not yet started, goals, etc. It's quite spiffy. I need to not buy any more kits until I have at least five finishes. Seriously-- I have 40 projects sitting in the wings. It's scary.
Dinner, doing some stitching, and maybe later some penpalling cleanout is in my near future. Oh-- and perhaps some late night journal entry action.
Woo hoo. :)
15 April 2005
Swirling life in a nutshell
It's been a strange, chaotic week, and I just haven't had the energy to sit and collect my thoughts. I imagine that tomorrow, with well over 12 hours of "Me Time," I'll be able to do a couple of good, long journal entries. I miss doing the ones with substance and meaning, as opposed to prattling on about my day to day life and venting about stress at work.
So, while I'm hoping to compose some promised entries (i.e. questions from Liamstliam and Bozoette Mary) done tomorrow as well as some additional topics I want to wrap my head around, I need to do a bit of a filler entry with my life in general.
Really, things aren't that bad here. I'm actually doing quite well. There's just a lot going on. So... here's my life currently in a nutshell.
Work: Is crazy as always, but as the office move to Boston grows nearer (6 weeks from today), my brain is spinning more. I'm just about at the point where my priorities are shifting from everyday work to the move coordinating. My coworkers aren't liking the change... but they're going to have to suck it up and deal. Especially since they ignore my pleads for some assistance with getting stuff done. Someone's got to get the cleaning out of random paper done.
House Purchase: After a couple of tense moments this week regarding problems with insurance policies, we're in good shape. We've arranged for an insurance policy. They've sent over a statement of acceptance to our mortage broker. We have electrical fixes that have to be completed within 45 days of sale (which is fine-- it just shifts our priorities for "getting things fixed" a bit). We close two weeks from today. Isn't that scary? And at this point, all we really have left to do is get the gift letters from both of our mothers, have my mom wire the down payment money to my bank account, and take a first time buyers class the week we close. Oh-- and show up for the closing, of course. :)
Apartment: Jason moved out at the end of March. We initially were bracing for three weeks of quiet before Erich's dad moved in with us for a while. But-- that has changed, thanks to Erich's dad finding a new contracting job. Ironically, he's also going to be moving to Rhode Island. It's the hip place to be, apparently. So until we move, we have the place to ourselves. Which means much easier sorting and packing to move.
Wedding: All plans are on hold for now until we get into the house. My guess is that come late July/early August, I'll really start looking at dresses and getting plans in the works for the wedding. The current plan, while nowhere near firmed up, is that we'll have the wedding ceremony in Roger Williams Park in Providence, and then have a casual appetizer & cocktails party at the house afterward. Timeframe is either Mother's Day or Memorial weekend next year.
Organizations: Tau Beta Sigma stuff is winding up for the school year soon, as the end of classes are in two weeks. I'm very proud of the chapter. They've come amazingly far. On the other side of the coin, I'm now on the planning committee for JournalCon 2005, which is being held in San Diego. (come... you must! Really!)
Hobbies: Penpalling has fallen by the wayside in recent months. I've accepted I'm just in a burnt-out stage. I've just encountered a lot of pushy, rude people over on Yahoogroups that really suck the interest out of me. I know I'll get back into it at some point, but I need the break, I think (and my money really needs to go elsewhere right now... obviously). And maybe when I get back to it, I'll just get out of all of the yahoogroups. I need to get a lot of fb's and slams moving so they're out of my apartment, but energy has been a factor. I do plan on making a good dent on that this weekend. Which is about what I say every weekend. Stitching is going well-- I'm just about to finish my rotation on The Castle. I've slowed down into a longer rotation this round, doing probably 15-20 hours per project. It's making a noticeable difference on where things are. This weekend I'll get back to working on my Christmas Stocking. I expect to finish my current rotation by late May, and then will pack everything for the move.
So yeah, that's my life at the moment. :) It's good. Really. I'm just so busy that remembering to eat is an issue right now.
Hopefully some good, cathartic writing will appear this weekend...
~ Mel.
So, while I'm hoping to compose some promised entries (i.e. questions from Liamstliam and Bozoette Mary) done tomorrow as well as some additional topics I want to wrap my head around, I need to do a bit of a filler entry with my life in general.
Really, things aren't that bad here. I'm actually doing quite well. There's just a lot going on. So... here's my life currently in a nutshell.
Work: Is crazy as always, but as the office move to Boston grows nearer (6 weeks from today), my brain is spinning more. I'm just about at the point where my priorities are shifting from everyday work to the move coordinating. My coworkers aren't liking the change... but they're going to have to suck it up and deal. Especially since they ignore my pleads for some assistance with getting stuff done. Someone's got to get the cleaning out of random paper done.
House Purchase: After a couple of tense moments this week regarding problems with insurance policies, we're in good shape. We've arranged for an insurance policy. They've sent over a statement of acceptance to our mortage broker. We have electrical fixes that have to be completed within 45 days of sale (which is fine-- it just shifts our priorities for "getting things fixed" a bit). We close two weeks from today. Isn't that scary? And at this point, all we really have left to do is get the gift letters from both of our mothers, have my mom wire the down payment money to my bank account, and take a first time buyers class the week we close. Oh-- and show up for the closing, of course. :)
Apartment: Jason moved out at the end of March. We initially were bracing for three weeks of quiet before Erich's dad moved in with us for a while. But-- that has changed, thanks to Erich's dad finding a new contracting job. Ironically, he's also going to be moving to Rhode Island. It's the hip place to be, apparently. So until we move, we have the place to ourselves. Which means much easier sorting and packing to move.
Wedding: All plans are on hold for now until we get into the house. My guess is that come late July/early August, I'll really start looking at dresses and getting plans in the works for the wedding. The current plan, while nowhere near firmed up, is that we'll have the wedding ceremony in Roger Williams Park in Providence, and then have a casual appetizer & cocktails party at the house afterward. Timeframe is either Mother's Day or Memorial weekend next year.
Organizations: Tau Beta Sigma stuff is winding up for the school year soon, as the end of classes are in two weeks. I'm very proud of the chapter. They've come amazingly far. On the other side of the coin, I'm now on the planning committee for JournalCon 2005, which is being held in San Diego. (come... you must! Really!)
Hobbies: Penpalling has fallen by the wayside in recent months. I've accepted I'm just in a burnt-out stage. I've just encountered a lot of pushy, rude people over on Yahoogroups that really suck the interest out of me. I know I'll get back into it at some point, but I need the break, I think (and my money really needs to go elsewhere right now... obviously). And maybe when I get back to it, I'll just get out of all of the yahoogroups. I need to get a lot of fb's and slams moving so they're out of my apartment, but energy has been a factor. I do plan on making a good dent on that this weekend. Which is about what I say every weekend. Stitching is going well-- I'm just about to finish my rotation on The Castle. I've slowed down into a longer rotation this round, doing probably 15-20 hours per project. It's making a noticeable difference on where things are. This weekend I'll get back to working on my Christmas Stocking. I expect to finish my current rotation by late May, and then will pack everything for the move.
So yeah, that's my life at the moment. :) It's good. Really. I'm just so busy that remembering to eat is an issue right now.
Hopefully some good, cathartic writing will appear this weekend...
~ Mel.
14 April 2005
A bit simplistic, but...
Your Linguistic Profile:
50% General American English
30% Yankee
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Dixie
5% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
And I'll actually post an entry here one of these days... really.
50% General American English
30% Yankee
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Dixie
5% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
And I'll actually post an entry here one of these days... really.
13 April 2005
Oh, for the love of...
How the hell do I completely forget how to get around Photoshop? As in, completely. Whee-- I can upload a file. But despite using the damn program since 1996, I can't figure out how the HELL to get my graphics accomplished for the JournalCon website.
I just want to make link buttons. Stylize the banner.
But no. Photoshop defeats me.
I think I'm going to go grab lunch early. Just because.
How the hell do I completely forget how to get around Photoshop? As in, completely. Whee-- I can upload a file. But despite using the damn program since 1996, I can't figure out how the HELL to get my graphics accomplished for the JournalCon website.
I just want to make link buttons. Stylize the banner.
But no. Photoshop defeats me.
I think I'm going to go grab lunch early. Just because.
11 April 2005
Weekend thoughts
First-- I apologize to my fellow TBS sisters for ducking out as soon as the meeting was over but before the hymn. In hindsight, the extra couple minutes wouldn't have made any difference and it was a poor show by me. I was just getting paranoid because Erich was sitting in the GSU waiting for me, and I was worried he was going to get overly bored/concerned/etc. (and had no cell phone to let him know I was finally on my way over). So yeah-- bad example me. Moo. *blush in embarrassment*
Other than that brief moment of not thinking... my weekend was pretty basic. I was exhausted from all of the book boxing. I just literally could get myself motivated. I'm not thrilled about the concept of this becoming a constant over the next two to three months, but I just have to deal.
So here's my weekend by thought recap (in really no particular order)...
Thought #1: What the FUCK was that on (now HRH) Camilla's head? I'm all down with the return-to-nature headpiece in a wedding... but seriously now... spiky wheat is just not that flattering.
Thought #2: Amusement at the not-so-subtle jabs at the royal couple and the history with Diana.
Thought #3: 300-count sateen sheets are divine. Why have I not bought them before?
Thought #4: Yay spring! Bigger yay-- flowers on Bay State Road!
Thought #5: My cats are very, very gay. And cute as hell. Stop licking my forehead to get me up at 6:30 a.m., please, even though it's irresistably cute.
Thought #6: There's something disturbingly comfy about getting together with people I've known for about a decade, sitting out on the back porch of a house, cooking burgers, and having a beer. It's all so... domesticated and neighborhood-like.
Thought #7: Yay to getting a shitload of stitching done
Thought #8: Boo to not getting a hell of a lot of other things done
Thought #9: Mmmmm.... Indian Food.
Thought #10: Don't watch things on Yellowstone going boom right before bed. Bad, bad idea. Especially since it's such a familar place and all. *shudder*
That is all... for now, anyway...
World's Largest Dungeon tonight. Hopefully we can stop bothering with the other groups and their attitudes/etc. and we can start exploring, rather than constantly backtracking and making very little new headway.
Other than that brief moment of not thinking... my weekend was pretty basic. I was exhausted from all of the book boxing. I just literally could get myself motivated. I'm not thrilled about the concept of this becoming a constant over the next two to three months, but I just have to deal.
So here's my weekend by thought recap (in really no particular order)...
Thought #1: What the FUCK was that on (now HRH) Camilla's head? I'm all down with the return-to-nature headpiece in a wedding... but seriously now... spiky wheat is just not that flattering.
Thought #2: Amusement at the not-so-subtle jabs at the royal couple and the history with Diana.
Thought #3: 300-count sateen sheets are divine. Why have I not bought them before?
Thought #4: Yay spring! Bigger yay-- flowers on Bay State Road!
Thought #5: My cats are very, very gay. And cute as hell. Stop licking my forehead to get me up at 6:30 a.m., please, even though it's irresistably cute.
Thought #6: There's something disturbingly comfy about getting together with people I've known for about a decade, sitting out on the back porch of a house, cooking burgers, and having a beer. It's all so... domesticated and neighborhood-like.
Thought #7: Yay to getting a shitload of stitching done
Thought #8: Boo to not getting a hell of a lot of other things done
Thought #9: Mmmmm.... Indian Food.
Thought #10: Don't watch things on Yellowstone going boom right before bed. Bad, bad idea. Especially since it's such a familar place and all. *shudder*
That is all... for now, anyway...
World's Largest Dungeon tonight. Hopefully we can stop bothering with the other groups and their attitudes/etc. and we can start exploring, rather than constantly backtracking and making very little new headway.
08 April 2005
Honesty is important...
For today's brief entry, I'll direct you to post over on my livejournal, instead of here, because I can't unhook the IP logger on Haloscan.
For the next two days there will be no IP logging.
I want you to post anything that you want.
A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like.
Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.
Respond here.
For the next two days there will be no IP logging.
I want you to post anything that you want.
A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like.
Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.
Respond here.
07 April 2005
Because my June wasn't busy enough...
A little blue and white envelope with "YOUR CIVIC DUTY" showed up this morning.
Technically, I'll have moved out of state by the date of my jury duty summons. BUT... the card has to be returned within 10 days, and we won't have closed on the house yet... so I can't legally claim disqualification due to moving out of Norfolk County... YET.
Getting fined for not showing up for jury duty isn't my idea of a swell way to spend time or money, so I checked off that I'm qualified. No postponing it. No delaying it. I'll show up. Sit my ass on the linoleum floor with the rest of the folks (at least it's summer-- so hopefully no grime on the floors) and get some reading done.
Unless something drastic happens, I will have moved to Rhode Island with no problem and be disqualified for service on account of having moved out of state. But I will have showed up as required as a U.S. citizen.
And if not, it's trial jury in a county court. If I get paneled, *shrug* okay.
It's still better than the effing GRAND JURY summons I got four years ago.
This? This I can handle.
but Erich still teased me about getting the envelope, and I responded with the appropriate wincing.
Technically, I'll have moved out of state by the date of my jury duty summons. BUT... the card has to be returned within 10 days, and we won't have closed on the house yet... so I can't legally claim disqualification due to moving out of Norfolk County... YET.
Getting fined for not showing up for jury duty isn't my idea of a swell way to spend time or money, so I checked off that I'm qualified. No postponing it. No delaying it. I'll show up. Sit my ass on the linoleum floor with the rest of the folks (at least it's summer-- so hopefully no grime on the floors) and get some reading done.
Unless something drastic happens, I will have moved to Rhode Island with no problem and be disqualified for service on account of having moved out of state. But I will have showed up as required as a U.S. citizen.
And if not, it's trial jury in a county court. If I get paneled, *shrug* okay.
It's still better than the effing GRAND JURY summons I got four years ago.
This? This I can handle.
but Erich still teased me about getting the envelope, and I responded with the appropriate wincing.
06 April 2005
Temporary panic
(from an email received today... slightly edited for confidentiality)
Dear Melissa~
Please contact us in HR today in regards to your recent questions about childcare services. We have a list of referenced and well-recommended nannies in the local area, and will be happy to assist in arranging for daily care for your child."
Um.... Mew?
Apparently HR knows something I don't... I realize we've been doing the whole engagement-buying a house thing fairly quickly here, but that other little bundle of surprises (literally) is being cautiously prevented for now. Thanks.
Granted... due to not being caffeinated yet, it took me about a minute to realize the message was not for me, but for my name twin in the email system who happens to live over in the U.K.
*forehead slap*
~ Mel.
Dear Melissa~
Please contact us in HR today in regards to your recent questions about childcare services. We have a list of referenced and well-recommended nannies in the local area, and will be happy to assist in arranging for daily care for your child."
Um.... Mew?
Apparently HR knows something I don't... I realize we've been doing the whole engagement-buying a house thing fairly quickly here, but that other little bundle of surprises (literally) is being cautiously prevented for now. Thanks.
Granted... due to not being caffeinated yet, it took me about a minute to realize the message was not for me, but for my name twin in the email system who happens to live over in the U.K.
*forehead slap*
~ Mel.
04 April 2005
This isn't the entry you're looking for...
It's going to be a busy week... I need to keep myself organized. Lots of little things. Very few will take more than an hour (if that) to get done, but there are so many that I need to do, that I need to make a list.
At Home
- birthday card and letter to Grandma
- All laundry (house and personal) IN PROGRESS
- Dry cleaning dropped off
- Make sure all bills are paid
-Erich payment
-Drop off rent check
- Minarae's online project
- Swap partners for online lists IN PROGRESS
- Update my swapping sheet
- Swaps out
- Text flow new layout for measi (dot) net
- Research Moveable Type
- BJ's/Costco run (renew cards?)
- Sort and shred old bills on Saturday
- TBS meeting on Sunday (remember to bring camera)
- Burn SSX 3 compiled music CD for Jason, self, and anyone else interested
- Get stitch supplies for Dragon Dreams projects
- Update photos of Castle and Egyptian Sampler
- Email John re: question
- Email Makaea re: TNX
At Work
-Get 29th off for house closing
- Design Conference Room book donations IN PROGRESS
- Bookshelves in hallway donations IN PROGRESS
-Two design move meetings (Mon. and Tues).
- Mail Book show stuff to NJ office
- contracts
- accounts payable
- email John again re: old contract copies at his apartment
- update phone list
- toss old timesheets
- quarterly budget cleanout
Yay busy-ness! I see a frozen 'rita calling my name come Saturday if I can pull all of this off...
At Home
- birthday card and letter to Grandma
- All laundry (house and personal) IN PROGRESS
- Dry cleaning dropped off
- Make sure all bills are paid
- Minarae's online project
- Swap partners for online lists IN PROGRESS
- Update my swapping sheet
- Swaps out
- Text flow new layout for measi (dot) net
- Research Moveable Type
- BJ's/Costco run (renew cards?)
- Sort and shred old bills on Saturday
- TBS meeting on Sunday (remember to bring camera)
- Burn SSX 3 compiled music CD for Jason, self, and anyone else interested
- Get stitch supplies for Dragon Dreams projects
- Update photos of Castle and Egyptian Sampler
- Email John re: question
- Email Makaea re: TNX
At Work
- Design Conference Room book donations IN PROGRESS
- Bookshelves in hallway donations IN PROGRESS
- Mail Book show stuff to NJ office
- contracts
- accounts payable
- email John again re: old contract copies at his apartment
- update phone list
- toss old timesheets
- quarterly budget cleanout
Yay busy-ness! I see a frozen 'rita calling my name come Saturday if I can pull all of this off...
02 April 2005
Quiet thoughts
Odpoczywajà w pokoju, Karol Jozef Wojtyla. Wy jestescie dom z Bogiem.
Although not Catholic myself, as a Polish American with many devout family members, I still am quiet and reflective at the passing of John Paul II. I didn't agree with many of his stances on political issues in more recent years. His attempts (both successful and non) to fight against the Soviet restriction of faith, attempting to reconcile with the Orthodox church, and quiet tempers during the latter years of the Cold War. But he touched so many lives and made an effort to inspire so many people around the world, more often for good than bad, that I admire him greatly. He lived his faith. He stood by the tenets of his faith. He showed that it was possible to be dignified while suffering deteriorating illness. And at the end, he accepted that it was his time.
To my friends who are Catholic, my prayers are with you and your faith community this evening.
Although not Catholic myself, as a Polish American with many devout family members, I still am quiet and reflective at the passing of John Paul II. I didn't agree with many of his stances on political issues in more recent years. His attempts (both successful and non) to fight against the Soviet restriction of faith, attempting to reconcile with the Orthodox church, and quiet tempers during the latter years of the Cold War. But he touched so many lives and made an effort to inspire so many people around the world, more often for good than bad, that I admire him greatly. He lived his faith. He stood by the tenets of his faith. He showed that it was possible to be dignified while suffering deteriorating illness. And at the end, he accepted that it was his time.
To my friends who are Catholic, my prayers are with you and your faith community this evening.
01 April 2005
Newsflash for Pagans and Ultra Conservatives
Shocking Love Affairs That Never Should Have Happened
(eep-- mental image... evil mental image. Make. It. Stop!)
(eep-- mental image... evil mental image. Make. It. Stop!)
Things I'm learning today
Teachers' Editions of textbooks-- especially history textbooks, are entirely too heavy.
As my office prepares to move, we're getting rid of older editions of textbooks that we don't have use for. Most are brand new copies-- usually preliminary review copies that might be missing a few photos or review printings after corrections have been made. Instead of throwing them in the trash, though, we're putting all of them in boxes and donating them to a non-profit that uses the materials to stock developing countries' libraries and schools.
And at first, I didn't think we'd have that many to donate in my department. Working in a publishing house, the stacks of books literally become invisible after a while. If they're on bookcases, you simply don't notice them.
Until today, when I realized how huge this project for my department will be.
Heh-- this is when the mewing for help via email comes in handy...
~ Mel.
Edit: The "Processing whining" button for April Fool's Day is cute. I think LiveJournal should leave it that way... I'll make good use of it over the next twelve weeks. ;)
As my office prepares to move, we're getting rid of older editions of textbooks that we don't have use for. Most are brand new copies-- usually preliminary review copies that might be missing a few photos or review printings after corrections have been made. Instead of throwing them in the trash, though, we're putting all of them in boxes and donating them to a non-profit that uses the materials to stock developing countries' libraries and schools.
And at first, I didn't think we'd have that many to donate in my department. Working in a publishing house, the stacks of books literally become invisible after a while. If they're on bookcases, you simply don't notice them.
Until today, when I realized how huge this project for my department will be.
Heh-- this is when the mewing for help via email comes in handy...
~ Mel.
Edit: The "Processing whining" button for April Fool's Day is cute. I think LiveJournal should leave it that way... I'll make good use of it over the next twelve weeks. ;)
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