29 March 2001


Why the fuck can't people accept that others have the right to their own thoughts and beliefs?

I try to be as accepting as possible. Not of the specific practices of another faith, but in respecting someone's right to believe the way they do. I realize I'm way too naive in hoping that by doing so, I'll get that respect back. Stupid!Measi.

Now, as a Wiccan who's been on the web for several years, has a webpage and contact info, I'm well aware of fundie syndrome. I've been attacked by it on several occasions. But now I'm seeing it happen to a friend, and it pisses me off to no end.

You see... I have a friend, (X) who is separated from his wife. He was kicked out of the house after having an affair. Yes, he was wrong. And yeah, he deserves to be kicked out. But now... THREE YEARS AFTER, as the divorce is being finalized, he's engaged to a wonderful woman who he's truly happy with, and he's trying to get on with his life, one of his friends (The Fundie) of twentysome-odd years is deciding to pull the "I am a good Christian and you're not" bullshit.

My friend's already been kicked out of his church because, as The Fundie put it, he was no longer welcome after what he did with his marriage. Completely shut out. Gone. Why? Because he'd sinned "past the point of redemption." *snort* Well, whatever.

But NO... it gets better. Now that X has decided to live with his fiancÈe, and get their lives going, it's become a huge problem to The Fundie. "He's living with another woman while he's still married!!!" "He's breaking his promises as to his responsibilities as a father!!!" "He's unremorseful for what he's done because he hasn't asked to be let back into the church!!!" and so-on and so-on. Well, heck... let's discuss this from my point of view as a child of divorce, shall we?

1) X lives in a shithole apartment and needs to move elsewhere just to start feeling human again.
2) He's been living only a few minutes away from his kids and ex-wife
3) About every other weekend, he has the kids. And he does a LOT of things with them... D&D, Girl Scouts, sports, etc. He's very involved with his kids' lives
4) Just because he's moving to another town which is still within decent driving distance (about an hour away) does not mean he's skirting his responsibilities
5) If I had my entire congregation turn their backs on me and lock me out, I wouldn't go the fuck back, either.

So The Fundie has decided that not only will he not help X when he eventually moves into his new place... he will not come over to X's house "until he's in a correct marriage." And why isn't X already in a correct situation? Because as The Fundie damn well knows, X was told by the judge that the divorce settlement wasn't fair for *X* and that it had to be rewritten before it would be approved. X just wants out of the marriage to end the whole thing.

So The Fundie, "not wanting to make a big deal" out of the situation, has apparently told everyone... except X... his view on the situation. Which leaves the rest of us in a very uncomfortable position. Do we tell X? Do we wait and let The Fundie tell X?


Fucking Fundies.

I try to be tolerant... but damn if they won't turn me into a complete bigot.