29 March 2001

Post-donation fatigue

Well, I finally got my butt in gear and went back to donate platlets down at the Red Cross. Two hours in the chair, and I feel a bit cold and tired, but I feel good, too. It’s amusing… donating red blood cells only takes about a half-hour, and you can only donate every eight weeks. Platlets take four times as long… but you can donate them every three to four days. Go figure.

In any case, I’m going again next Thursday. I figure it’s the easiest way and most productive way for me to do some community service time. I probably won’t keep going *every* week, but since I’d neglected going for a year, I have to do a bit of self-induced pennance. Plus, they’re BEGGING for platlet donors, saying that they can’t even keep up with the demand for them. I wonder how fast it will take for mine to get used? I figure they have to go through the standard tests first… so in two days, maybe?


Dear Goddess–there’s a Journal Con? (looking at the ad above the entry form on the screen). What the heck do they do at a journal con? Sit around and just write?

Colley’s meowing and wandering around the apartment again. I’m pretty sure he wants to be taken outside, but I don’t know where I put his harness and leash, so he’ll have to stay in for the night. It’s freezing out there, anyway. He can wait until spring really arrives in the city. Then he’ll be going out so often that he’ll probably get sick of it. That is, he’ll be going out until I get tired of bombing the apartment for fleas. =) Ooop… never mind… he’s off to his perch up on the top of the Yaffa blocks. What a cutie.

I guess I’ll spend the evening getting material together to update my website. I can’t believe I haven’t done a thing with it in two years. It’s pathetic, isn’t it? No wonder so many newbie Pagans feel like there’s no current info… my site’s one of thousands that has been forgotten and just left to blow in the superhighway crosswinds. Granted, Real Life ™ has gotten in the way. But still, I should have been able to keep something up to date. I think the basic info page still has me at 23… three years out of date? Just a bit behind the times, no?

Off to mess around with my settings on this thing again. Maybe I’ll get a nifty setup together. =)


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