12 June 2009

Warcraft thoughts...

Burrito Bandits tabard
Originally uploaded by measi.
So... my guild's a bit slower than some to get into raiding. We had a bit of drama happen a few months ago, the quick-to-80 people left, and it put the 10-man stuff on hold for us.

BUT... we got there. And about... six weeks ago(?) we started with Obidian Sanctum. Took us a few tries, but we got through it. And then a month ago, we began our way through Naxxramas.

We are absolutely rocking through it. To the point that with the exception of Heigan (and that effing dance), we're managing to get every new boss down within a couple tries. We have spider on farm already, plague quarter may officially be on farm as of next week, based on how quickly we do it (but we cleared both spider and plague in 90 minutes last night... so... I think we're there).

Second attempt on Patchwerk, we down him - and we were only 20 seconds over the 3-minute achievement on our first downing of him.

Absolutely psyched on how we're moving. The guild is awesome now. We work together as a team. We joke throughout the raid both in the chat screen and over vent. It's just fun, laid-back gaming where everyone knows his/her part, no one's greedy. I mean hell, we don't even use any sort of a point system for items. We just do straight d100 rolls for loot on the bosses. Half the stuff we wind up sharding at this point unless someone new is coming with us. Exactly what I envisioned for playing. I look forward to it.

And now that more people in our guild are getting to 80, we may actually be able to consider doing 25 mans soon.

I love my guild. I really do.

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