25 July 2007

Wednesday morning musings

Both other admins are late this morning for doctors' appointments. How'd this work out? Well, no matter. It's nice and quiet.

I'm highly annoyed, based on current events and some calculations, that I'm going to have my period during my wedding, thanks to my cycle deciding to do some timing switches and show up a week early. HIGHLY. ANNOYED. (seriously... on ALL OF THE DAYS... the one that I'm going to be wearing white on top of white on top of white. SERIOUSLY). Pissed. off.

Gathered all of our contracts for vendors to double-check final payment dates. Glad I did... 'cause our site payment in full was due Sunday. *sigh* Have already emailed them with a copy to my mom to get that resolved. *sigh* So the panic ensues again.

We have six RSVPs already returned to us. It's very freaky. OMG people are coming to this thing. *runs* *hides*

I seriously need a haircut. And a recolor. And a clue as to what I'm going to do with my hair for aforementioned wedding, which frustrates me because I'm just NOT a hair person and don't care about it like I really should be doing.

Thank Goddess for Indiebrides.com, which has a kickass repository of readings and vow ideas that others have used. Me thinks I may be diving into those threads on the Kvetch boards this weekend to get those vows written.

Speaking of writing - scribbled 300 words on my piece for "Anywhere but Cardiff." Whether I finish or not, no can say. But I'll give it a try.

Well, no... it will get finished. Whether before or after the wedding is the real question.

Shit, I still have lots of beta reading to do, too. Hmm...

Life on Mars is awesome. Just finished Episode 7 of Series 1 this morning.

I need more coffee.

I haven't watched an episode of Who since Friday night. Scary.

No, I really need more coffee.

Shit, I hope we didn't fuck everything up with our reception site by missing that deadline on Sunday. Fuck fuck fuck.



Melinda said...

Hey, you can always use our vows if you want...let me know if you want me to email them to you.

bozoette said...

Extralong pad AND tampon. Just sayin'.