18 January 2006

Wedding Planning: Attack of the Guest List

Erich and I took advantage of our commute home last night to comprise our off-the-top-of-our-heads guest list. We took turns, writing two lines per turn, of a family or household that we want to invite. I'd thought we would barely get to 75, leaving a comfort zone for the parental units to add a limited number of not-listed friends that they wanted to invite.

In less than a half hour, we were close to if not slightly over 100 people between just the two of us.

Shit-- we know this many people?!? How?!? When?!? Where?!? (what... why... who...)

This puts a bit of a wrench in things. The original thought was to have a small, somewhat intimate (subjectively speaking, in a wedding sense) gathering of around 75 people. While granted, it's still not a guestlist of Epic Polish Wedding (tm) proportions, that off-the-cuff number shocked me.

But, I think what I'll do is type up the list and email it to my parents anyway, and ask Erich to do the same for his, so we can discuss a final list. I'm going to try like hell to keep it limited to only the 'rents, although I imagine my grandfather will probably insist on a few invites.

It definitely changes the type of place at which we'll book our reception. My original hope was a wonderful place-- elegant in a tasteful, understated sort of way in downtown Providence. The food was fantastic. BUT.. when we got the estimate, they were asking approximately $200 a head, PLUS rental fees.

Um... yeah. No. Running. Away. Now.

So it's back to the drawing board on the hall for now. There's a bridal reception in Cranston on the last weekend of the month. I bought tickets. Maybe it'll help. Maybe not. Hopefully it will help me become familiar with some of the vendors in the area and give me some alternative reception ideas.

How the hell do we know 100 people?!?

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