Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)
Grif: Hey Sarge, how's the big dinner coming?
Sarge: Well there's seven of us, so I thought one turkey wouldn't cut it.
Church: Yeah I can see how only three pounds of meat would leave us unsatisfied.
Sarge: Are you familiar with the turducken?
Grif: Yeah, that's what I do when I visit the monkey house at the zoo and make 'em mad.
Simmons: Not turd ducking, a turducken. It's a chicken in a duck in a turkey.
Church: You know, because the holiday isn't quite gluttonous enough on its own.
Grif: Sounds awesome, is that what we're having?
Sarge: Nope. Although impressive, I decided they stopped short when designing the turducken.
Church: Yeah. They seemed like real underachievers there.
Sarge: So I decided to make my own variety.
Church: What's that, a pull-cat stuffed in a possum?
Sarge: Nope, first we start with a hummingbird- (a picture of a hummingbird appears next to Sarge)
Grif: A what?
Sarge: Put that in a sparrow (picture of a sparrow), stuff them both in a Cornish hen (picture of a cooked hen), then put that in a chicken (picture of a guy in a chicken suit). Put all that in a duck (picture of a mallard duck), then in a turkey (hand-drawn picture of a hand turned in to a turkey), then in a bigger turkey (picture of Michael Moore again).
Grif: Two turkeys?
Sarge: Hey, it's Thanksgiving. Put that in a penguin (picture of some penguins), stuff that in a peacock (picture of the NBC logo from the '70s), then an eagle (picture of an eagle), shove it all in an albatross (picture of an albatross in flight), then an emu (that well-known picture of an emu's head, head on), next comes an ostrich (picture of a running ostrich), then a leopard (picture of a sleeping leopard)! Put all that in a pterodactyl (artist's rendering of a pterodactyl), and then stuff it in a Boeing 747 (picture of a 747).
Church: ... Cool. I get a wing.
Simmons: I call the turbine.
Sarge: Alright! Hunker up boys, hey Grif! What kinda meat do you like? First class, or coach?
Church: You know if we cook this thing at three hundred and fifty degrees at ten minutes a pound, it's not gonna be done for eleven years.
Sarge: That's why we're going to deep fry.
Sound of an oil tanker's horn going off *
Sarge: There's the oil now!
Simmons: What was that leopard for?
Sarge: Presentation.
- From Red vs. Blue
24 November 2005
22 November 2005
Passing Thoughts for the Week
I have to be amused at the irony regarding my holiday card exchanges-- I get involved with organized holiday card exchanges and am psyched to use up the cards that have been stored since last year. But somehow, I'm always short cards and wind up having to buy more... and have the same amount that end up sitting and being stored until the next year. And the cycle continues...
NaNoWriMo has crashed and burned for the year. I just got to 30,000 last Saturday. I simply don't want to write any more. I'm done. *sigh* Too busy, too tired, too much stuff that I either want or need to get done, and I can't justify sitting and slaving at the computer every night.
My undergrad sorority chapter put on a kickass informational tea on Sunday. Complete with a turkey dinner-- made in an on-campus apartment. For over 20 people. They absolutely rock.
I colored my hair Sunday morning, using a new brand of haircolor, and I really like it. It came out in what I can only describe as a cinnamon-tinged blonde. A little darker than I normally do, but it's really, REALLY shiny.
We'll probably have snow for Thanksgiving. Whee...
Of all the nights to be waiting outside, the X-Box 360 buyers were complete geeks last night-- it was raining. It was cold. It was miserable. But there were people camped outside the CompUSA in Warwick at 8 p.m. last night so they could be the first ones in the door at 9-something this morning. Erich, thankfully, is waiting until Halo 3 comes out to buy one.
I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner in my own house for the first time on Thursday. That's just such a weird thing to type, or to read.
Oh, I'm officially an owner of my house, as of last Wednesday. Erich went to the lawyer and signed the papers to add me to the deed.
I need to find an appropriate vessel to brine my turkey tomorrow night. The only thing I have that's large enough is a keg tub. But that can't fit into the fridge. Erich has suggested putting it out on the mudporch (which isn't heated). But for some reason, that's not sitting right with me.
As of Saturday, Noby weighs 4 pounds, 7 oz. Elly weighs 3 pounds, 15 oz. They're getting big. :)
Out of sheer boredom last week, I put the cats up on Catster last week- Colley, Fizzy, Gus, Noby, Elly.
I totally need this weekend's LAN party. Blowing up the world goodness. Or at least, I'll do a lot of damage to myself and others with a rocket launcher.
Need. Coffee.
NaNoWriMo has crashed and burned for the year. I just got to 30,000 last Saturday. I simply don't want to write any more. I'm done. *sigh* Too busy, too tired, too much stuff that I either want or need to get done, and I can't justify sitting and slaving at the computer every night.
My undergrad sorority chapter put on a kickass informational tea on Sunday. Complete with a turkey dinner-- made in an on-campus apartment. For over 20 people. They absolutely rock.
I colored my hair Sunday morning, using a new brand of haircolor, and I really like it. It came out in what I can only describe as a cinnamon-tinged blonde. A little darker than I normally do, but it's really, REALLY shiny.
We'll probably have snow for Thanksgiving. Whee...
Of all the nights to be waiting outside, the X-Box 360 buyers were complete geeks last night-- it was raining. It was cold. It was miserable. But there were people camped outside the CompUSA in Warwick at 8 p.m. last night so they could be the first ones in the door at 9-something this morning. Erich, thankfully, is waiting until Halo 3 comes out to buy one.
I'm cooking Thanksgiving dinner in my own house for the first time on Thursday. That's just such a weird thing to type, or to read.
Oh, I'm officially an owner of my house, as of last Wednesday. Erich went to the lawyer and signed the papers to add me to the deed.
I need to find an appropriate vessel to brine my turkey tomorrow night. The only thing I have that's large enough is a keg tub. But that can't fit into the fridge. Erich has suggested putting it out on the mudporch (which isn't heated). But for some reason, that's not sitting right with me.
As of Saturday, Noby weighs 4 pounds, 7 oz. Elly weighs 3 pounds, 15 oz. They're getting big. :)
Out of sheer boredom last week, I put the cats up on Catster last week- Colley, Fizzy, Gus, Noby, Elly.
I totally need this weekend's LAN party. Blowing up the world goodness. Or at least, I'll do a lot of damage to myself and others with a rocket launcher.
Need. Coffee.
17 November 2005
Burning out a bit
I didn't write anything for NaNo yesterday due to our World's Largest Dungeon game (that lasted until nearly 1 a.m.-- eep!) Tonight, I'm not finding much inspiration, either. It's a bit frustrating, but I'd rather not force myself to try to come up with something and constantly stare at my wordcount.
I'm currently at 25,000 words. So I'm about a day off pace now-- for the first time in a month. Given that Erich is having a D&D game with a couple of the guys on Saturday -- one that I'm not involved in -- I'll have the entire afternoon to putter around up here in my office.
And we don't have tickets for Harry Potter tomorrow night, which means we'll probably be unable to see it until sometime next week due to the opening weekend insanity. So I have tomorrow night, too.
Part of the problem is that I have all of these little checklists of shit to get done. Not all of it is big stuff, but there are so many little things that I can't justify sitting down and writing. My brain won't shut up. Now that Thanksgiving and the LAN party is coming up, I'm prioritizing. Then Mom's up on the 30th for a long weekend.
So I need to work the "need to do" vs. the "want to do" stuff carefully.
Holiday madness-- gotta love it.
I'm currently at 25,000 words. So I'm about a day off pace now-- for the first time in a month. Given that Erich is having a D&D game with a couple of the guys on Saturday -- one that I'm not involved in -- I'll have the entire afternoon to putter around up here in my office.
And we don't have tickets for Harry Potter tomorrow night, which means we'll probably be unable to see it until sometime next week due to the opening weekend insanity. So I have tomorrow night, too.
Part of the problem is that I have all of these little checklists of shit to get done. Not all of it is big stuff, but there are so many little things that I can't justify sitting down and writing. My brain won't shut up. Now that Thanksgiving and the LAN party is coming up, I'm prioritizing. Then Mom's up on the 30th for a long weekend.
So I need to work the "need to do" vs. the "want to do" stuff carefully.
Holiday madness-- gotta love it.
14 November 2005
Geek weekend
But first... a NaNo update...
NaNoWriMo is going quite well this year. I'm happy. As of this morning, I have just over 22,200 words. I didn't write yesterday due to a fubsy brain, but I'm still on pace to finish on time. I'm going to strive for two days of 2,000 words (my daily minimum wordcount... not the 1,666.6666 whatever that it actually divides out to), and try to get five days of 2,500 words.
Wednesday is a definite 2,000 word day because it's World's Largest Dungeon night. The entire evening will essentially be taken over by gaming. I'll have to do some scribbling throughout the day in little 200 word bursts, I suppose.
But yeah. This thing has absolutely no plot. And the busty lesbian pirate ninjas will make an appearance just for the hell of it sometime this week to shake things up. This year's "novel?" Heh... plot? We don't need no stinkin' plots...
The weekend was busy but generally a good time. We spent almost all of Saturday up at Battleground for their 3rd anniversary celebration. We sampled several games throughout the day, including Warhammer Fantasy and D&D Mini's. The minis were the huge hit of the day, and almost everyone bought several packs. I was honestly surprised how addictive it was. Plus, we can always use the minis for our D&D games. During battles, we do use charts. Erich invested big money into getting gridded porcelain dry-erase boards for it.
I did tuck myself into a back corner of the gaming store for an hour to do some NaNo'ing. I managed to crank out 2,000 words in just over an hour. I then told Derek the floor of the shop has good writing chi. :)
The other thing that I did for the first time was paint a mini at the shop. I've always been intimidated by the detail on the metal minis we generally use for gaming, and didn't want to invest in the paints. But I can see the appeal. It was quite relaxing. If I weren't so invested in stitching, I could see myself getting paints and setting up shop in our basement, where we have a huge rec room table that the previous owner left us for random project work. My mini is a bit awkward, of course, but there's that sentimental "first time" thing about it, so I'll use it with pride.
Erich bought a new computer on Saturday after his desktop's processor decided to kill itself on Friday night. It had been at least three years since he'd upgraded the thing, and by the time he started pulling some upgrade numbers in his head, he realized he'd probably be better off just getting a new one-- and one that's under a store warranty. So far, he really likes his new one.
My desktop is now sitting quietly on a shelf at CompUSA in Warwick, waiting for the correct motherboard so it can be replaced... again. I'm hoping to have my computer back for the LAN party after Thanksgiving. I miss my 'puter.
On Sunday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and caught up on some yardwork. Erich finished barrelling the undergrowth that we'd cut from all of the bushes a couple months ago (it's been going out gradually). I raked and bagged leaves, now that they've finally started to fall. Part of me really wanted to just rake the entire yard into one huge pile and jump in it. But we were on a bit of a time crunch for the Patriots game, so instead I just raked and bagged. We still have three-fourths of the side yard to rake, so I'll get that leaf pile together for next weekend.
I've never jumped in a leaf pile. My dad's backyard is full of various evergreen trees (ponderosa pine and blue spruce-- not exactly jumping material). The only leafing trees were cottonwoods, which were also not good jumping piles because there was always sticky sap from the cotton pods within the leaves that stuck to everything.
Our yard now is almost all maple trees. And there's a ton of them. I'm pretty sure I could gather a fat chick sized pile. :)
But now I'm off to work. My boss is out through Thanksgiving, and Bigger Boss will only be here tomorrow and Wednesday, so I'm taking advantage of what I hope will be relative quiet to catch up and clean out.
NaNoWriMo is going quite well this year. I'm happy. As of this morning, I have just over 22,200 words. I didn't write yesterday due to a fubsy brain, but I'm still on pace to finish on time. I'm going to strive for two days of 2,000 words (my daily minimum wordcount... not the 1,666.6666 whatever that it actually divides out to), and try to get five days of 2,500 words.
Wednesday is a definite 2,000 word day because it's World's Largest Dungeon night. The entire evening will essentially be taken over by gaming. I'll have to do some scribbling throughout the day in little 200 word bursts, I suppose.
But yeah. This thing has absolutely no plot. And the busty lesbian pirate ninjas will make an appearance just for the hell of it sometime this week to shake things up. This year's "novel?" Heh... plot? We don't need no stinkin' plots...
The weekend was busy but generally a good time. We spent almost all of Saturday up at Battleground for their 3rd anniversary celebration. We sampled several games throughout the day, including Warhammer Fantasy and D&D Mini's. The minis were the huge hit of the day, and almost everyone bought several packs. I was honestly surprised how addictive it was. Plus, we can always use the minis for our D&D games. During battles, we do use charts. Erich invested big money into getting gridded porcelain dry-erase boards for it.
I did tuck myself into a back corner of the gaming store for an hour to do some NaNo'ing. I managed to crank out 2,000 words in just over an hour. I then told Derek the floor of the shop has good writing chi. :)
The other thing that I did for the first time was paint a mini at the shop. I've always been intimidated by the detail on the metal minis we generally use for gaming, and didn't want to invest in the paints. But I can see the appeal. It was quite relaxing. If I weren't so invested in stitching, I could see myself getting paints and setting up shop in our basement, where we have a huge rec room table that the previous owner left us for random project work. My mini is a bit awkward, of course, but there's that sentimental "first time" thing about it, so I'll use it with pride.
Erich bought a new computer on Saturday after his desktop's processor decided to kill itself on Friday night. It had been at least three years since he'd upgraded the thing, and by the time he started pulling some upgrade numbers in his head, he realized he'd probably be better off just getting a new one-- and one that's under a store warranty. So far, he really likes his new one.
My desktop is now sitting quietly on a shelf at CompUSA in Warwick, waiting for the correct motherboard so it can be replaced... again. I'm hoping to have my computer back for the LAN party after Thanksgiving. I miss my 'puter.
On Sunday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and caught up on some yardwork. Erich finished barrelling the undergrowth that we'd cut from all of the bushes a couple months ago (it's been going out gradually). I raked and bagged leaves, now that they've finally started to fall. Part of me really wanted to just rake the entire yard into one huge pile and jump in it. But we were on a bit of a time crunch for the Patriots game, so instead I just raked and bagged. We still have three-fourths of the side yard to rake, so I'll get that leaf pile together for next weekend.
I've never jumped in a leaf pile. My dad's backyard is full of various evergreen trees (ponderosa pine and blue spruce-- not exactly jumping material). The only leafing trees were cottonwoods, which were also not good jumping piles because there was always sticky sap from the cotton pods within the leaves that stuck to everything.
Our yard now is almost all maple trees. And there's a ton of them. I'm pretty sure I could gather a fat chick sized pile. :)
But now I'm off to work. My boss is out through Thanksgiving, and Bigger Boss will only be here tomorrow and Wednesday, so I'm taking advantage of what I hope will be relative quiet to catch up and clean out.
09 November 2005
Want a holiday card?
It's that time of year again...
I have a ton of holiday cards and stationery that I discovered as we packed to move, and rather than have it all sit and collect dust, I'd really rather spread around a few moments of holiday cheer. :)
If you'd like to receive one, drop me an email at measiwitch at gmail dot com with "Holiday Cards" in the subject line with your mailing address. I'll be mailing my cards between Dec. 1-5th, since I have the days off.
And of course, I happily accept any holiday greetings, regardless of the holiday you're celebrating in December. :) If you'd like my address, drop me a line at the same email above, and I'll send it along.
I have a ton of holiday cards and stationery that I discovered as we packed to move, and rather than have it all sit and collect dust, I'd really rather spread around a few moments of holiday cheer. :)
If you'd like to receive one, drop me an email at measiwitch at gmail dot com with "Holiday Cards" in the subject line with your mailing address. I'll be mailing my cards between Dec. 1-5th, since I have the days off.
And of course, I happily accept any holiday greetings, regardless of the holiday you're celebrating in December. :) If you'd like my address, drop me a line at the same email above, and I'll send it along.
Wedding planning begins
I know it's shocking, but I actually have a wedding update...
My mother is coming up on November 30th to bring some used furniture from her house. She's on one of her redecorating binges (it's so insane, it's endearing), and since most of it is in good shape, she's bringing it up to us. I was hoping to have a view of my mother driving a U-Haul truck, but it turns out they're getting a trailer and hitching it to Jim's truck.
Oh yeah... my mom and Jim are back together. Again. Round four? Five? I can't keep track...
Anyway, she'll be up from the 30th to Dec. 2nd, and during the time she's up, we'll look at places for the reception. We're shooting for something in then 75-100 person range. I don't want a large wedding, but I know that there is family and friends to invite, so it seems to be the appropriate size without getting too insane.
The two places I have on the list so far to look at are:
The Westin Providence
Roger Williams Park Casino
The Casino is my preference. Cost is a factor, of course. And whether or not they have dates available. Edited to add... the Casino isn't actually a gambling casino, BTW. It's a large multi-room function hall. :) If we were to have our wedding at a real casino, we'd be heading down into Connecticut. Or Vegas. Or something.
But yes... the plans are beginning. By this time next month, I'll almost certainly have a date to announce.
My mother is coming up on November 30th to bring some used furniture from her house. She's on one of her redecorating binges (it's so insane, it's endearing), and since most of it is in good shape, she's bringing it up to us. I was hoping to have a view of my mother driving a U-Haul truck, but it turns out they're getting a trailer and hitching it to Jim's truck.
Oh yeah... my mom and Jim are back together. Again. Round four? Five? I can't keep track...
Anyway, she'll be up from the 30th to Dec. 2nd, and during the time she's up, we'll look at places for the reception. We're shooting for something in then 75-100 person range. I don't want a large wedding, but I know that there is family and friends to invite, so it seems to be the appropriate size without getting too insane.
The two places I have on the list so far to look at are:
The Westin Providence
Roger Williams Park Casino
The Casino is my preference. Cost is a factor, of course. And whether or not they have dates available. Edited to add... the Casino isn't actually a gambling casino, BTW. It's a large multi-room function hall. :) If we were to have our wedding at a real casino, we'd be heading down into Connecticut. Or Vegas. Or something.
But yes... the plans are beginning. By this time next month, I'll almost certainly have a date to announce.
07 November 2005
Quiet Rememberance
The Eyes Wide Open display is in Copley Square today and tomorrow. One pair of boots for every soldier who has died in Iraq, plus shoes, slippers, and sandals to represent the thousands of Iraqis who have also perished.
The AFSC volunteers were setting it up this morning as I walked across the bricks in front of Trinity Church. They probably only had about 200 pairs of boots out so far, but even the sight of those made me shudder in anger. Tomorrow, I'll figure out a way to photograph it. It needs to be remembered.
What I try to determine, is what each person sacrificed his or her life for. This war was immoral. It was not protecting America from attack. It was an invasion of a sovereign nation which, although led by a horrible man, was not doing anything to us. So why did we invade? The only thing I can think of is Bush's need for vengeance because his dad didn't finish the job with Saddam.
Afghanistan, which was an attack that made sense, has been tossed to the side. Sure, it's still going on. And the Taliban is slowly creeping back in due to the lack of control by United Nations forces in many areas, but it's a valid attack that was not completed, and now has few soldiers to continue the fight and succeed wiping out as many Al Queda cells as possible
Was Iraq worth these 2,000+ American lives and counting? The unknown thousands of Iraqi lives? The new growth of insurgence and anti-American hatred that is spawning new cells of Al Queda sympathizers all over the globe?
Was it worth it?
The AFSC volunteers were setting it up this morning as I walked across the bricks in front of Trinity Church. They probably only had about 200 pairs of boots out so far, but even the sight of those made me shudder in anger. Tomorrow, I'll figure out a way to photograph it. It needs to be remembered.
What I try to determine, is what each person sacrificed his or her life for. This war was immoral. It was not protecting America from attack. It was an invasion of a sovereign nation which, although led by a horrible man, was not doing anything to us. So why did we invade? The only thing I can think of is Bush's need for vengeance because his dad didn't finish the job with Saddam.
Afghanistan, which was an attack that made sense, has been tossed to the side. Sure, it's still going on. And the Taliban is slowly creeping back in due to the lack of control by United Nations forces in many areas, but it's a valid attack that was not completed, and now has few soldiers to continue the fight and succeed wiping out as many Al Queda cells as possible
Was Iraq worth these 2,000+ American lives and counting? The unknown thousands of Iraqi lives? The new growth of insurgence and anti-American hatred that is spawning new cells of Al Queda sympathizers all over the globe?
Was it worth it?
04 November 2005
NaNo'ing to the weekend...
8,215 / 50,000 (16.4%) |
I'm getting there! :) So far, I've had two really, really good writing nights and one that kept on pace with the minimum words per day. According to my handy Excel spreadsheet, at this pace I'll be done on the 19th.
By the way, if you have never seen said Excel spreadsheet, or just need a new copy, leave a message with your email address and I'll send you it over the weekend. It's a FANTASTIC NaNoWriMo tool. I've used it religiously for four years now. It really helps with getting my mind into the "okay, I need to push myself to this much today..." and then know where I can chill out and just write for the hell of writing.
I'm hoping to have two very, very good writing days this weekend so I can pad that wordcount even more. Ideally, I'd like to rack up around 7,000 more at least over the weekend so I don't worry about days like the 16th when I know I won't be writing due to our World's Largest Dungeon game, or days like the LAN party on the Cape, where I'll get some writing done, but can't guarantee I'll get a full day's worth due to all of the fun distractions... like Ghost Recon and Unreal Tournament 2K4.
We're supposed to have a beautiful weekend weather-wise. It might reach 70 degrees tomorrow. The odd thing is that the leaves in lower Mass. and Rhode Island still haven't really fallen from the trees. In fact, our trees are just now starting to get significant color. Mostly yellows right now, but we have one bush that's a brilliant orange so far. Every morning I'm peeking out at our maple trees to see if they're going to turn red. :)
Since it will be so nice, we'll be getting a good deal of yardwork done this weekend. The grass needs a final mowing for the season to cut down the weeds, and we have a bunch of broken branches that we need to break up and bundle for trash pickup. We'll probably get a couple bags of leaves raked up, too-- but raking will most likely be a Thanksgiving week activity, judging by the progress of the leaves.
If my mom would bother sending home my camera, I might actually be able to take and post some pictures!
02 November 2005
01 November 2005
Samhain and NaNo
Apparently I live in THE neighborhood. You know-- that cool neighborhood that all the kids hit for candy on Halloween? Not sure what's up, but the kids were out in force last night. We went through about 7-8 pounds of candy between 6 p.m. and 8:30. I'd say we had somewhere between 120 and 150 kids.
Hot damn.
Around 6:45, the kittens were getting extremely rowdy and gave me a "shit, I don't need to be herding cats while trying to give out candy" thought, so I decided to move myself outside. Our front door is kinda shitty for trick-or-treating anyway. We don't really have a landing, so whenever kids came up, I'd have to ask them to step back down the stairs so I could swing the door open. Not good. It was an absolutely beautiful evening for trick-or-treating. Mid-50's, no wind. Coats not required. I plunked my bruised witchy ass on the steps with my fake air-powered burning cauldron, the huge bowl of candy, a Biggie Diet from Wendy's, and an old Time Life "Mysterious Places" hardback (hey... it was an appropriate theme), and just waited for the kids.
Adorable costume award goes to two sets of kids-- one, a pair of twins dressed up in complimenting ladybug and bumble-bee costumes, complete with felt and fuzzy ball antennae. They couldn't have been more than three. The other was a brother and sister pair in dinosaur costumes. But not any dinosaur costumes-- these were bright, bright colored and poofy and made them look like living Puffalumps (remember those?). I almost melted. Sooo... cute.
I met our state senator last night, who was out - in costume - with his kids. While the kids did the few houses right around me, we chatted briefly. He seems like a very nice guy, and not overtly politician-ey at all. Lots of other parents welcomed me to the neighborhood last night, too. I don't remember names, but I was amazed at how friendly everyone was. It really is one of those close-knit neighborhoods where people at least recognize one another and say hi. All ethnicities and religions blended together. Lots of adults waved to one another as they walked their kids around.
It was awesome. :)
By 8:30, it was all over. I took a bit of time to relax and stretch out before going to work on my computer for NaNoWriMo's Young Writer's Program. There is a backlog of students who need to get their accounts verified and activated, and despite the servers being obnoxiously slow with the NaNo kickoff, I did get some work done.
At midnight, I opened up a Word document and scribbled about 850 words in a half-hour. I'm playing with my co-worker's idea to write about myself. I'm setting it up in a daily diary format, and will talk about different aspects of my pagan geek life. Doing it this way means that basically all of my entries that have any length to them (read: non-meme) can also be incorporated if I choose.
Like this one, for example.
So yes... I'm playing with an idea now. It definitely fits under the "No Plot, No Problem!" monkier, since I have no clue what kind of a plot I can pull out of this. But it's writing, and it's working for now. I'll see where it leads.
Busty lesbian pirate ninjas may make an appearance by day 15 out of writing desperation.
If used, does anyone want to have one named in his/her honor? :)
Hot damn.
Around 6:45, the kittens were getting extremely rowdy and gave me a "shit, I don't need to be herding cats while trying to give out candy" thought, so I decided to move myself outside. Our front door is kinda shitty for trick-or-treating anyway. We don't really have a landing, so whenever kids came up, I'd have to ask them to step back down the stairs so I could swing the door open. Not good. It was an absolutely beautiful evening for trick-or-treating. Mid-50's, no wind. Coats not required. I plunked my bruised witchy ass on the steps with my fake air-powered burning cauldron, the huge bowl of candy, a Biggie Diet from Wendy's, and an old Time Life "Mysterious Places" hardback (hey... it was an appropriate theme), and just waited for the kids.
Adorable costume award goes to two sets of kids-- one, a pair of twins dressed up in complimenting ladybug and bumble-bee costumes, complete with felt and fuzzy ball antennae. They couldn't have been more than three. The other was a brother and sister pair in dinosaur costumes. But not any dinosaur costumes-- these were bright, bright colored and poofy and made them look like living Puffalumps (remember those?). I almost melted. Sooo... cute.
I met our state senator last night, who was out - in costume - with his kids. While the kids did the few houses right around me, we chatted briefly. He seems like a very nice guy, and not overtly politician-ey at all. Lots of other parents welcomed me to the neighborhood last night, too. I don't remember names, but I was amazed at how friendly everyone was. It really is one of those close-knit neighborhoods where people at least recognize one another and say hi. All ethnicities and religions blended together. Lots of adults waved to one another as they walked their kids around.
It was awesome. :)
By 8:30, it was all over. I took a bit of time to relax and stretch out before going to work on my computer for NaNoWriMo's Young Writer's Program. There is a backlog of students who need to get their accounts verified and activated, and despite the servers being obnoxiously slow with the NaNo kickoff, I did get some work done.
At midnight, I opened up a Word document and scribbled about 850 words in a half-hour. I'm playing with my co-worker's idea to write about myself. I'm setting it up in a daily diary format, and will talk about different aspects of my pagan geek life. Doing it this way means that basically all of my entries that have any length to them (read: non-meme) can also be incorporated if I choose.
Like this one, for example.
So yes... I'm playing with an idea now. It definitely fits under the "No Plot, No Problem!" monkier, since I have no clue what kind of a plot I can pull out of this. But it's writing, and it's working for now. I'll see where it leads.
Busty lesbian pirate ninjas may make an appearance by day 15 out of writing desperation.
If used, does anyone want to have one named in his/her honor? :)
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