16 July 2005

Broken thoughts on a Saturday...

I finished Half-Blood Prince yesterday afternoon. Around 4 hours, which makes sense since OOtP took me a bit less than six. I enjoyed it. Still digesting it, since there are the plot turns like all of the other books that need to be thought about. I'll probably start putting some comments behind a spoiler filter on LiveJournal tomorrow (and can email discussions for anyone who isn't on LJ but wants my views...)

But without giving anything away-- I really did enjoy it, and so far, I like how the story is progressing.

(I can say safely, at least!)

+ + + + + + +

I did a bit of work last night on the revamp of my journal. Blogger's tags are a bit confusing to me, and my knowledge of CSS is at a "if I cut and paste this, it seems to work..." level, so it's going slowly. By no means is it finished, but here's my working copy at the moment. I have a lot of .div tags to add in there, as I improve the text colors and such.

Hopefully by next Friday, it'll be ready to go live.

+ + + + + + +

We have a D&D game starting around noon today. Erich's running his campaign. So while I'm not busy in combat, I have plenty of backstitching to do on The Castle. Once I get the backstitching rotation done (probably today... since the game will go for at least 10 hours), I'll start my new stitching rotation...

1) Egyptian Sampler (TW)
2) Cats on a Staircase (Bucilla OOP)
3) New start- Astrology Sampler (Witches Stitches)
4) The Castle
5) Smoky Mountain Cats (Pegasus)
6) Home is Where the Cat Is (Leisure Arts)
7) New Start- Elemental Dragons (Dragon Dreams)
*) Backstitching: The Castle (floating slot for whenever our next game is)

#6 should go quickly... I expect to get it nearly done in one rotation round. IT's very small. Once that's complete, I'll most likely start on the wedding sampler for Ivanna & Joe.

Oh... and I received my fabric-of-the-month from Silkweaver yesterday. My pieces were two of the new colors they're releasing in August: Poltergeist (a grey swirl, with just a hint of purple to my eyes...) and Coral Reef (which is, as it sounds, coral pink). I'm on the "random fabric" plan, so this month, I received 32 ct. fabrics... the Coral Reef is Lugana, and the Poltergeist is Belfast Linen.

Not sure what I'll use the Coral Reef for yet. Poltergeist I have a plan for-- that fits the season, of course.

+ + + + + + +

Thank Goddess for the inventor of portable air conditioners. I wouldn't be sleeping otherwise. It's rather muggy up here on the 2nd floor.

Off to game...

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