25 February 2007
Lazy weekend
Meadowbird came over yesterday, and we spent the better portion of the day being lazy, crafting, and watching Not Who. Bad Wolf was on during the day, but other than that... not a single episode. Shocking, I know. That's not to say the day was without Who actors. We watched every episode since January of Heroes (oh, scruffy!Chris...) along with the World of Warcraft episode of South Park, which she hadn't seen (and really is a good one).
Erich was at a D&D game all day yesterday, so even after doing the to Boston and back drive to take Meadowbird home - which got me back to our house at midnight, I knew I had hours before he would get home. I did some writing sketches to work on expanding chapters 2 and 3 of Translating Extraordinary before sinking into bed, throwing Harry Potter into the DVD player, and zonking out sometime after 2.
I didn't hear Erich come home- he said it was around 4:15.
Today started out as a lazy morning stitching. I'm finishing up my work on the UFO RR before I have to mail it off this week. I watched the first two episodes of Blackpool along with Erich. I was surprised that he enjoyed it, although he was a bit disturbed by a couple of the musical numbers. I was slightly disappointed - and jarred - to hear a non-Kenny Roger's version of the Gambler at the beginning of episode 2. I don't think I've EVER heard anyone else sing it, and the original was in the broadcast... so it was just... weird. I suppose some licensing rights didn't translate to DVD.
The rest of the day has passed quietly. I've been doing some laundry, doing some writing. I made my grandma's kielbasa & sauerkraut recipe for dinner. And now I'm enviously reading post-viewing thoughts from Brits on Recovery, which aired tonight on BBC1, while continuing to work on fanfic.
Oh... and a side note of semi-worthwhile news... the cards for our Save the Dates arrived on Friday. We're waiting for the magnet inserts (which were ordered separately), and then we can start sending the things out.
Progress, progress...
22 February 2007
Stitching Blog Questions - Catchup
Anyway, I haven't answered SBQ's since early December, so it's time to catch up. :)
12/14/06 - Do you have any good internet links to tutorials for your favorite finishing techniques that you would like to share?
I rely on asking folks on the various stitching message boards about their experiences and recommendations. Those "in the know" tend to be better at expanding on explanations on how to do things, including those little tricky points that you're better off knowing before you start (that tutorials sometimes forget to mention).
1/10/07 - Do you dream of running your own LNS/ONS? If so, tell us about your dream. If not, tell us about your cross stitch dream… maybe you dream of designing, dyeing your own floss or fabric, etc.
Note for non-stitchers... LNS = Local Needlework Shop. ONS = Online Needlework Shop
I've had the fleeting dream of owning my own stitching shop. But I'd make a horrible store owner/manager, so reality squashes that idea very quickly in my mind.
I do have some ideas for creating patterns... and I think I could be very good at that, actually. It's simply a time issue. I don't have it, and if I were to create a pattern, I'd like it to be good.
1/17/07 - Have you had a happy dance yet this year? If so, tell us about it! (Or just point to the entry that talks about it.) If not, when do you predict it will be?
As of this past Sunday... yes! For the Floral RR, I completed my flower. It's a portion of a lovely cat-with-flower pattern, and was fun to stitch. I've taken a picture of it... should have it up this weekend.
I can't make an estimate for a finish in my own pieces yet, sadly. Everything's contingent on wedding planning.
1/24/07 - What company produces your favorite hand-dyed fabric? Are there any companies whose hand-dyed fabric you do not like? If so, why?
Silkweaver so far is my favorite. I was on their fabric of the month list for a while... and will join up again after the wedding. I love the variety.
I've also received fabrics from a company called Dyed-4-U that had a montly fabric pull for a while. I think they've gone on-hold or out of business, though. I liked their fabrics, but they didn't have quite the range that Silkweaver did for colors.
I've yet to buy from Sugar Maple Fabrics. Again-- will do once I get past the wedding and can justify expenses. :)
I haven't found a company I don't like, though.
2/7/07 - Have you ever been to a stitching retreat?
No, but I really want to! The Hershey retreat is the closest to me that I know of, and is probably the most likely candidate for me to attend.
2/14/07 - Do you like to buy "chartpacks" that include charms, buttons, and/or beads or do you prefer to gather all materials yourself?
If it's a pattern that comes with weirdly shaped buttons or charms, I do prefer chart packs. One of my local LNS's, Hoops and Needles does great little chart packs with the pattern and buttons. Things that only need basic beads (Mill Hill, for example), I really could care less either way. I'd buy it for the convenience, I suppose. When it comes to charts vs. kits with fabric & threads, though, I'd prefer to buy on my own so I can make sure I get the better quality fabric & thread.
2/21/07 - What is the smallest count fabric you have ever used? Did you stitch over one? Conversely, what is the largest count fabric you have ever used?
The smallest count fabric is one of my current projects-- I'm stitching on 32 count. It does have some over-one (which is why I asked for, and received, an Ott Crafting light w/magnifier for Christmas). I have a couple pieces of 36 count fabric in my stash, but I don't have projects lined up for them yet.
The largest count I can recall using is 14 count. I don't think I've ever done anything on anything bigger. I learned on 14 count Aida when I was 10, so *shrug*.
for my non-stitching readers... fabric count = stitching squares per inch. 32 count fabric = 32 squares per inch. "Larger" counts are actually smaller numbers because each individual square is larger. Also-- a stitch on 14 count fabric is nearly identical to a stitch on 28 count fabric. On 14 count, you stitch within one square. On 28, you stitch over two.
15 February 2007
Thursday Thirteen: Making the Most of a Long Weekend
So here's my plan for the weekend. Whether or not I get to it all remains to be seen, of course.
1. Going out for Michelle's birthday on Saturday night-- Indian food followed by drinking. Rock. 2. Go out for Valentine's Day, as weather and schedules destroyed last night. 3. Catch up on all laundry. 4. Write two chapters in my ongoing fanfic. 5. Update my mailing list for wedding invites. Start addressing envelopes if the invites show up. 6. Complete my stitching for the flower RR piece and get it mailed. 7. Work on the UFO RR stitching piece to make sure it's out on time by the 26th. 8. Finish watching the 1st season of Torchwood. 9. Update my wedding webpage. 10. Clean up our bedroom 11. Catch up on sleep 12. Catch up on petting cats 13. Give myself a good dose of Reiki, as I'm feeling rather drained this week. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
13 February 2007
Moving on...
No, I haven't talked to my mom yet since. *shrug* Although I have sent her an email to get addresses for save the dates. I'm sure we'll be talking at some point this week, and I'm sure that she'll either 1) pretend like it never happened, or 2) start up again. At which I'll most likely cut her off, tell her enough, and let her know that I'm working on photographers, DJs, and gathering addresses... and if that's not enough for her, then chill out.
My Save the Dates are ordered. (and yes, I will continue to type out Save the Dates instead of abbreviating it, because wedding invites should not sound like sexual diseases).
I'm 99% sure on the people I'd like to ask to be in my wedding party, too. I'm a bit torn on one bridesmaid spot because there are three different people I want standing there. But I have to make a choice. *sigh*
I have a lead on a DJ from a friend's wedding that we really enjoyed this past year. I need to get in contact with him to see what his rates are, his availability, etc. Finding a photographer is the next tricky thing. I have a couple friends who are quite good. One is invited to the wedding, and I'm sure she'll be bringing her camera... but I don't want to impose. The other is so obnoxiously busy (in a very good way) with painting that I also don't want to impose. And I feel somewhat squicky asking a friend to do our photos anyway. I've debated contacting the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and research some grad student photographers. Photography is one of those things I honestly am willing to cut costs on. I'm personally very anti-traditional wedding photo. I know a lot of them aren't that way these days and that they do the fantastic "captured moments" style photography for weddings (which is what I want), but most of the ones I'm finding are still way too expensive for what I want to spend.
So slowly... surely... I'm getting stuff done.
07 February 2007
Addendum to last entry
My mom calls, starts pressing on the wedding, and almost immediately starts switching between "I just want to help you" and jumping all over me because I don't have immediate on-the-spot answers to questions such as "how many rooms do you think we'll need to reserve in a block at the inn." Yet when I try to answer with a "Mom, I have no idea-- that would require asking everyone what their plans are," I get a snippy "that's not what I said..." which turns into an argument, which turns into a bigger argument...
which eventually turns into me hanging up on my mother because I can't put up with any more of the emotional roller coaster where one minute she's insisting she's trying to help and take the stress off of me because I feel so overwhelmed, and in the next breath is getting all pissed off and "hurt" because when I say yes, I'm overwhelmed and here's why... she doesn't like my answer. And then reminds me that she is paying for the wedding and if I just want to have a smaller wedding, I just need to say so and it can just be close family and friends... but she doesn't like my retort of "and who would we cut out, Mom? My friends? Part of your side of the family? Who?"
Following a ten minute crying fit in the fetal position, now I'm pissed off and shaking so much that I'm having to backspace every few letters that I type.
I can't fucking deal with this. If I didn't know that I was in a completely BAD state to make any decisions, I'd be saying to hell with it all, going to city hall, getting the marriage license, not telling anyone - ESPECIALLY my mother - and just get it over with. Followed by saving money to reimburse her for the down payments on the reception site and the caterer and my wedding dress.
I haven't meant to be so quiet in my journal over the past few weeks (or months... or however long it's actually been). I'm a bit annoyed that my journal seems to be evolving into something very meme-tastic with little other substance. Hopefully I can fix that.
That being said... my brain has been on one of its inner-retreat since Christmas, and I've embraced it completely. I made no resolutions this year. I think I finally figured out that putting resolutions to paper meant that I was guaranteed to break them. But somehow, my behavior in 2007 has been wandering down a theme - reclaiming myself.
So my free time has been filled with goofy timewasters:
- Watching the new incarnation of Doctor Who... a lot
- Watching just about anything else I can find with David Tennant in it. (currently the songs from Blackpool are stuck rotating in my head.)
- Filling my iPod with all things video for my commute
- Playing an unusually small amount of World of Warcraft
- Reading fanfic. Lots and lots of fanfic.
- Attempting (and failing) to write fanfic. *sigh*
- Stitching (although that's not exactly a time waster)
Meditating (again.. not exactly a time waster)
Overall, I'm not exactly productive. But that's okay.
Except that I've been slacking... badly... in the wedding planning department. I just am not getting excited about the planning. It's just kinda there, and I know I'll get it done. But I should be excited about planning a wedding, shouldn't I? I mean... I'm now down to less than nine months, and I'm just eh...
Don't get me wrong. I'm excited at the prospect of becoming Erich's wife. I guess I'm just not feeling this whole pomp and circumstance thing.
And it bothers me.